Chapter 29

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Y/N's POV:
I wasn't one to normally get jealous but something about that dude really bugged me. Wanda wasn't complaining though it actually brought out some of my finest work. I got up early to wake Nat so she could speak to Maria then ran Wanda a bubble bath to relax in. She started to open her eyes slowly smiling at me.
"Morning my love," I whisper moving the hair out of her eyes.
"Morning. Last night was just wow," she giggled.
"I went to get some ice to sooth your neck a bit before the kids are traumatised," I say slightly embarrassed holding the ice on her neck to try and get rid of the severity of the marks.
"Hey I really really enjoyed it. It's worth it," she assures me.
"I ran you a bubble bath. I thought you deserved to relax," I say.
"Ok but you're joining me," she requests kissing me gently. There's something so intimate about having a bath with someone have them hold you against them, washing your body and hair.

Today we were going to a water park as per Pietro and Nat's request. I can't lie though I'm really excited. We head down to breakfast as soon as we are ready so we can get there early. There were short queues when we arrived just as the park opened. As soon as we got inside Wanda made sure we were all covered in sun cream before we put our bag in the locker. The queues weren't too bad which was great. Wanda looked a little hesitant at first to go on one of the really big slides.
"You don't have to go on if you don't want to I'll walk back down with you or we can go down the slide together," I offer as we approach the top of the steps.
"Just hold me ok?" She requests.
"Babe. I'm never letting go I've got you," I assure her wrapping my arms around her waist. We sit in the two person inflatable. I sit at the back and her at the front I made sure to wrap my powers around her waist once we started moving to make her feel even more secure. She held on tightly screaming the whole way through the black hole ride making me giggle. When we got to the bottom Pietro and Nat were laughing endlessly at her.
"Mom we heard you screaming the whole way," Nat laughed. Wanda actually had a massive smile on her face.
"That was actually pretty fun," she smiled.
"Ok if we go on another one I'm going to need earplugs," I tease earning a nudge from Wanda.
"Thank you for holding onto me ," she says kissing me gently.

Wanda's POV:

We must have gone on every ride before lunch. The park wasn't busy at all. We get our bag out of the locker drying off a bit and warming up.
"Pietro slow down you need to chew your food," I plead with him.
"I'm hungry," he says with his mouth full.
"Pietro just because we've changed continent does no mean all your manners go out the window. Now chew properly and stop talking with your mouth full or you and I can sit here until you learn some manners while your mom and Nat enjoy themselves," Y/N tells him. He nods chewing the rest of his food.
"Sorry Mom," he apologises to me.
"It's ok," I reply. Maybe I am too much of a soft touch with him. He's just not going to listen to me ever.
*Are you ok?* Y/N asks in her head looking at me concerned.
*I just wish he'd listen to me the way he listen to you* I sigh.
*It's the same with Nat and me. Try not to worry about it at least they both listen to one of us. I can talk to him if you want?* She offers.
*Yes please* I smile.
"Hey Pietro. I'm going to get us ice cream you can help me carry it," Y/N requests. He nods getting up throwing his rubbish in the bin. Y/N comes round kissing me on the cheek and they walk off.
"Are you ok mom?" Nat asks worried.
"Yeah. Your brother just gets on my nerves sometimes he just doesn't listen to me. The same way you don't listen to your mom," I explain.
"It's like good cop bad cop. You're my bad cop and Pietro's good cop. And Mom is vice versa," she says.
"You should still listen to her though Nat. Yes you're her little princess and she's a soft touch when it comes to you but you still need to show her respect ok?" I request.
"Ok. I can still ask her for things and she'll say yes though right?" She asks sipping her drink.
"Yeah that won't change," I laugh.

Y/N's POV:
Pietro and I walk towards the ice cream booth.
"Pietro why don't you listen to your mom? Like when she asks you to do something you'll backchat her but when I do you listen straight away. Did you know that kind of upsets her?" I ask openly.
"Really? I don't mean to upset her. It's just she's always the one who lets me get my way I guess," he says sadly.
"It's ok just be a little more mindful ok?" I request.
We take the ice cream back to Nat and Wanda. I kiss Wanda on the cheek as I hand her the ice cream.
*All sorted* I assure her.
*I love you* she replies.
*I love you too*

As soon as we've digested our food we head back on some of the more relaxed rides. It was such a good day out. We head back to the hotel getting ready for an evening meal at the hotel. It was so lovely to spend time as a family to be completely relaxed. This evening was a teen party in one of the function rooms we let the kids go for a few hours making sure they messaged us once every half an hour.

I grab Wanda's hand taking her to the pool. Taking off my shirt and shorts I do a flip as I jump in the pool.
"This is a bad idea," Wanda says.
"Come on swim with me," I plead.
"You're a bad influence Y/N," she sighs taking off her dress cannonball jumping into the pool. We swim around in circles splashing each other. Wanda swims over to me and just floats smiling at me.
*I'm married to the most beautiful woman in the world* I hear her think.
"That's not possible because I am," I say taking her in my arms kissing her gently. After about an hour Wanda uses her powers to dry us off and put some dry clothes on us. We head down to the teen party to look in on Nat and Pietro.
"Oh god my eyes are burning," I say in shock.
"Shh... it's sweet I think that's his first kiss," Wanda tells me.
"I didn't want to see it," I sigh. We look for Nat who's just sat to the side talking to a girl showing her pictures of Maria.

We head to the bar to get a drink while we wait for the kids.
"Our son is going to be a heartbreaker isn't he?" I ask Wanda.
"Yeah he is. He's got your charm and way with women," she sighs.
"Do you think it's time we give them the talk? Or do we trust what their old school and Bruce gives them that in science?" I inquire nervously.
"I mean it's probably better a man does Pietro's I reckon he's probably already spoken to Bucky about it but we should talk to Nat," Wanda says.
"I was scared you were going to say that but I think you're right," I mumble.
"We should do it when we get back home so she's in a safe environment. I mean when I started to date you I had no idea what I was doing so I had to look it up online. They don't teach queer kids about safe sex or what to do or anything. I don't want Nat to have to do that opening her up to a world she isn't ready for. I want her to feel safe enough to come to us with anything," Wanda tells me.
"You're right. Why didn't you just ask me if you were unsure?" I ask her.
"I wanted it to be special for both of us. Part of me thought that if I was bad you wouldn't want to be with me I guess," she explained.
"Young Wanda is an idiot. You should've known from the first second I saw you I fell for you I mean you could look inside my head. Nothing was ever going to change that. God I can only imagine her search history," I tease her.
"Shut up at least the research worked," Wanda says nudging me.
"It was very very good research," I smirk kissing her.
"Come on you let's get our kids to bed and show you what I've learnt since then," she says dragging me inside.

We walk into the party and it's dying down a little. Nat is still talking to the girl now showing her pictures of Luna while Pietro has lipstick all over his face. Nat notices us says goodbye to her friend and runs over to us.
"Hey honey did you have a good time?" I ask.
"Yeah I made friend Laura she's really nice I told her all about Maria and Luna. She told me about her friend and showed me pictures of her dog," Nat explains. We walk over to Pietro and the girl he's with face drops he obviously notices and turns around. He quickly rubs his face before he acknowledges us.
"Hi Mom," he says embarrassed.
"Hi Pietro I'd ask if you had a nice time but it's smudged all over your face," I tease him.
"Ok bye Caitlin. It was nice meeting you," he mumbles dragging us away.

Pietro gets ready for bed quietly when we both go into say goodnight to him he looks nervous.
"Are you mad?" He asks.
"You're 14 Pietro it's quite normal. We actually wanted to ask you if you'd spoken to Bucky about this sort of stuff?" Wanda inquires sitting down on the end of his bed.
"You mean the talk right. I mean they covered a lot of it in school and Uncle Bucky and I spoke about the rest of it. I know what I need to Mom. Anything I don't I'll ask Bucky. Don't worry," he assures us both.
"Ok Pietro. You know you can talk to us about anything too right?" I ask him.
"Yeah thanks Mom I just prefer talking to Bucky about that sort of stuff," he says smiling.
"Ok Goodnight Pietro," Wanda says switching off the light as we leave his room.

We say a quick goodnight to Nat before returning to our room. Wanda does the same thing she does every night. As soon as she's finished getting ready for bed she straddles me kissing me hotly.
"Are you ready?" She asks. I just wink at her smiling.

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