she can't be with me

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"For you, do you really think that's the only and best way to get over her?"

The fire crackles in the fire pit, a night out of the three friends having a good time in their spring break. At the same time, it's the night to find out what's been troubling the raven-haired. It might be the first that they'll be this open to one another, however, to others, it may be quite unsettling; to them as like-siblings, uncomfortableness isn't an issue.

With beers on their hands-of course, a family like this wouldn't leave that out where alcohol makes one pour their true feelings out in an open forum.

Alex looked down on her bottle before taking a drink as her buddies stares at her worryingly.

"Yeah. There's nothing else i could do with this. I know, we'll just laugh it off as usual, unlike this time.. I crossed the line."

Making the young one open up is easy but convincing her to change her decision without her realising it her own, is tougher than smashing your head in a cement wall. They thought it would take a very long time for her to see the real answer that she buried unconsciously.

Autumn holding the piece of photograph in her hand, and just hanging around the living room of her apartment thinking everything through. She guessed that Alex knew from the very beginning what she feels about her, yet she must have think it's better to be friends than lovers where there will be the point of no return.

A poem that evidently the young latter have written down when she seen the photograph of autumn for the first time. It sounded like a love confession, though the poem sends different signals. It was either towards friendship or relationship. It confused the honey-eyed at first, however when she gone over and over it the whole night she eventually understood what it meant.

"You've always been clueless, but you know what you feel about her even before all of those fun times happened with you two. Yet you still insisted on denying it, right in front of my face." Fiona dictates from the couch while the three of them are also discussing it over beers.

"They were really close, so no one can tell and i think it's because of how different their bond is." Liz said after thinking it through, her opinion caught a bit of attention of the ombre brunette.

"Well, even so that's the case. The first one to give up to their feelings is Gray." Fiona look towards the latter as they both glared at each other. "Now look what you've done, you let her off and have it her way while you're here waiting for the obvious painful answer."

"What am i suppose to do? Her ex came back and that gave me the idea that maybe it's because of it." She sat up, putting the photograph down on the small table, and her expression suddenly calms down as her eyes glimmers down towards the beer in her hand.

"I've heard how her first love ended.. i'm scared that it'll happen to me, it will happen to Alex. So i wanted to keep things at is without changing anything between us."

With alex's out of town, autumn won't really be able to do anything at the moment. It reminded her back to where they had a conversation at the ramen shop that the blasé-eyed photographer have taken her.

"Alex is.. really special to me, i would never deny that. And i just thought she can't be with me in that type of way-even if, i did kinda realised that one time at first. But I never took it seriously where we both got used to throwing tease at each other as we've been together almost everywhere." She covers up her face, as those certain emotions starts building up.

"There were already hints but both of you still threw it aside." Her best friend barks at her and Autumn lifted up to face them with that fluttering expression.

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