captured by her accident

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It's season of fall, where lively bloomed leaves and flowers from summer are now slowly turning to gold-coloured leaves that little by little they fallen off the maple trees, which it's time for autumn flowers to grow and sway with the cold breeze waiting for winter to come; preparing for their flourishing for the next period of time.

The month of August, is my favourite point in time to take photoshoots of its natural form of the environment's thriving transformation. Where leaves starts to change its colour and blossoming flowers of the season, it's astonishing to see how fast they change this year.

I'm at the perfect spot in one of my university's grounds to snap my best picture for fall, it's aesthetic almost, now that it's clearly and likely written out of my imagination and as i expected, it's bally beautiful. An empty mahogany bench and it's bright maple leaves in the background puts the vibe i have been wanting to feel while waiting for this season to finally arrive.

I've only discovered this location when i firstly came to study fine arts here. I was lost, i wouldn't deny that and i may have been late for my first ever class but i never regret it.

Now that everyone's coming to school on the other side, i chose to walk through different path where nobody else does not. I don't know why students don't often come to this area, however, i'm kinda glad that i might be the only who is fond of it.

I aim towards the sight, looking through the viewfinder making sure that the image i like will be in the exact frame. I have my index finger ready on the button, and when i'm already pushing it down someone walk pass through the view, me accidentally snapped the photo with her in it. I aimed down advancing the lever and quickly look through the girl who just passed by and she seemed in a hurry. She may have not noticed.

I forgot to check if someone was about to pass through the way, i got too drawn to capture this. That was on me.

And that was my last shot.

I shuffled my hair with my hand, i'm frustrated, I don't have any spare fresh film in my backpack at the moment, and i should have saved the couple of shots earlier.

I should hurry up and go to the dark room to start developing the film. And just maybe, it'll turn out good anyways.

"Gray? Are you still in there?, classes's about to start. Hurry up okay?" I heard Rachel shouted behind the door, passing by to remind me. So i hurriedly clipped the samples up and fix up before heading out to class.

No one's gonna be using the dark room for awhile, at least until the next day after tomorrow. I probably should clean up by tomorrow before i head to work.

I work at the postal office as a part-timer courier, i only deliver small stuffs such as letters, packets and 3 to 5kg package boxes, I have my bicycle as my delivering vehicle. And i like the errand, though, i probably be quitting soon to find something else this upcoming winter. Cycling in winter is a hassle, where some parts of my deliveries have to go through pack of snows, off-roads houses.

"Come over tomorrow after your work, what time is your off again?" Rachel asked me while we're walking at the hallway together with Wallie after getting our lunch.

"Quarter to 5, i'll pass by if i have time."

"Do you want me to cook your favourite? I have ingredients at home so we can all eat together" I nod and smiled at the same time from her invitation. Rachel is a very good friend of mine, she takes care of me without asking for it, and i appreciate her for that. She also told me she sees me as a little puppy that needs to be watch over, they see me that way, so maybe that's why?

The Girl Through The ViewfinderWhere stories live. Discover now