i failed

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Friday, the last day of their spring semester. The two best friends are still distant. The ombré-haired blonde is waiting by the door of the dark room, wishing she could corner and finally have a talk with Alex, who's been avoiding her for a week.

She couldn't take the silence and distance that they're having, she's not used to it. Especially in times of their upcoming spring break, Autumn doesn't know any of the latter's plans.

As soon as the door opens, she wakes up from her thoughts and pulls herself away from the wall. The two of them have a brief eye-to-eye contact where the jet-black hair averts her blasé gaze away as she ignores the antsy honey-eyed, as if she has never seen her before.

Alex walked past her, neglecting the fact that she's here. And Autumn isn't just gonna let it off.


The younger one didn't budge.

"Alex!" She called out one last time while following behind, and the person in front of her finally stopped. Autumn halted still a few inches away from her.

"What's going on?"

Looking right at her stumped best friend's behind, not wanting to come any nearer so as to not chase her away once again, obviously because she couldn't even face her. "Nothing, just don't talk to me for a while."

"What? It's been almost a week Alex, I gave you space because I thought you'd tell me why?"

"Just.. don't."

The concerned honey-eyed takes the chance to get closer, "Is there something wrong? Instead of avoiding me can we talk-"

Alex turned around and it eventually stopped her.

"How can I?"

Her eyes, which used to sparkle without fail whenever I was around, are now scuffling chaos.

Autumn doesn't get it.

"How can you not? It isn't that difficult? Why are you being like this?"

"Because I-"

She took a pause, as she gathered her courage to say the truth. Her gaze landed elsewhere before letting the truth consume her. It took some moments to finally utter the words that was kept inside the young raven.

"I'm in love with you."

Those eyes that speak even more of the truth shocked autumn, she couldn't be able to speak right away. She had never expected that the young best friend that she truly cared about and looked after would have reached the conclusion that she didn't expect this sooner.

Alex reaches out, her trembling hands clearly saying that she's crashed and that she felt she betrayed her closest friend, a more than family to her. The young saddening gaze of blasé hands over a brown envelope, whose contents seem unknown.

"We had a good time. I honestly really.. had fun. But that's all to it.."

Leaving the stupefied honey-eyed, the raven haired left wishing she would not come after her.

And autumn was too stunned to even chase her so.

Even after a day has passed, the confession, the distance, still doesn't give Autumn peace of mind. And she decided to come forward, not only because she doesn't want Alex to just end things there, but to let that person know that they have to handle something out of their friendship, as people who don't run away from problems like this.

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