trying to stop myself

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These maple trees have grown greenly from buds as soon as spring came in, other than the surroundings became much greener and the temperatures in between; we're near week from spring break, that means more time working on projects and hanging out with friends.

Alongside autumn, we're walking by the blooming maple trees on route to the dark room. Although it's the weekend, I still have work to do and autumn will only be dropping by before she gets picked up for her training. I would be following up later on after I finish my remaining work in the dark room.

"I finally received nonna's cross-stitch artwork yesterday night, i'll be hanging up later, will you be coming over then?"

I chuckled, "I like to see it, sure." And autumn bumps my side a little, making me burst into laughter. "Why are you laughing!? What's so funny? Or maybe you're thinking about something perverted of me?"

"I never thought about such a view regarding you, and i just find it funny that you'd do even the smallest little things for me to come over to your place." I glance at her, seeing her narrowed eyes towards me and she quickly looks away sulking. "What's wrong with being fond of my bestfriend..? I simply just think we both needed each other.."

Her words somehow struck me of the realisation that the two of us are living independently and away from our homes. I also thought that after we came back from the holidays she became more attached to me, not that i don't like it wherein i am too with her. Gramps really did tell her a lot of stories..

She became quiet as we both proceeded through this beautiful route. And then I remembered something aback, before I could speak she suddenly talked.

"Nonna insisted on learning how to sew again after she found out that your favourite jacket was torn.. gramps also told me about when you were still a little kid you have so many holes in your sleeves whenever you're always back home from the playground.."

I did get into fights a lot..

I remember back in middle school, I tried to learn how to sew but I had too many bleeding accidents with the needle so gramps stopped me and he got scolded by nonna telling him to not let me hold anything sharp where i would get hurt easily by it.

I tend to be careless with things when people really do be watching over me but I get them done when there aren't eyes observing me, I only get very attentive with my work if nobody's watching. Because more likely my focus would sway when there are eyes to judge every move that i make, but i'm improving as i grow and my grandparents are thankful about that.

"You leave your house all neat and come back with shabby clothes, because you either get into a fight or you played too recklessly.."

A wild kid has been exposed..

I'm not sure why autumn is telling me all of this now, given how long it's been. Maybe she wanted to keep the stories to herself. She did tease me on several occasions, and that gave me the hint.

"So when you left.. your grandparents were really worried about you.. but after they heard that your neighbours care about you and your environment isn't a bad influence to your righteousness, it greatly lifted up a heavy load for them." She picked up a tiny white bell perennial off from the side, and twirled it with her fingers.

"You may be too shy to talk to people first, and end up assuming you have a cold personality, which is the reason some people don't know how to approach you. However, when they do, you're really nice to talk to."

I smiled and as soon as I chuckled away she averted her attention to me, "I'm glad you're the only one who gets to know that part of me."

"Not even Claire?"

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