chapter twenty four

Começar do início

"Okay, well, this was fun and all, but I have to find the rest of my team and all, so me, Drax and Mantis are leaving. Nebula as well, if she wants."

"Uh, stupid idea, as per usual," Tony rolled his eyes. "They were with Thor right? Thor would've came to help us,  they probably went with him, blah blah blah, they're in Wakanda."

"Fine whatever. When do we leave?"

"Now of course. You do realised Thanos's gauntlet with several Infinity Stones is just sitting there in our hands, we gotta do something. I'll get a jet up and running, meet me out there in ten."


It was a strange dynamic of a group, Tony Stark willing to see his friends but still immensely worried at the fact that Allura hadn't shown up yet, and that he may have to break the news that she had been alive all this time. Quill, heartbroken but still starving for vengeance, Mantis, honestly she was just happy to be apart of something, and Drax, well, he was just his good old self.

It wasn't evening yet, the sun still shone through the forests they passed as they neared the country. The Quinjets certainly didn't waste any time getting to their destination.

"You do realise we're going to bump right into those trees," Mantis pointed out, before squealing loudly and covering her head when they neared the boundary, but looked up in confusion moments later when she wasn't met with death, instead a beautiful city, although it seemed quite empty.

Tony grinned, it was his first time coming to Wakanda too. But it quickly faded when he saw the lack of people. He steered the jet over to a field that seemed to have a lot of destruction littered over it. Weird broken machines. Dead unearth-like creatures scattered. He found a large grass spot that seemed bare enough and landed there.

"So, I mean T'Challa said we were always welcome but we did kinda come unannounced, so uh..."

"Is that them over there?" Drax gestured through the window to a large group of people sitting around a bonfire. Some were talking, some sleeping, some taking care of each other's injuries. But many of them had a cautious look on their face as if they were waiting for something.

Tony rushed to the window. "Yeah that's them. I reckon we just approach gently-"

"OH LOOK! THERE'S ROCKET AND GROOT!" Drax yelled, before sprinting over to open the bottom of the jet.

They weren't too far away, but they were quite hidden by the trees, and jets were always flying over so the team must not have thought it any strange.

"Shit, guys no," Tony began, but stopped after he saw the three sprinting over, immediately catching the attention of the Team. It would be a great reunion and all, but they were still here for important business, Tony thought, glancing over at the safe that they had temporarily placed the gauntlet in. He decided to call Pepper just for a few minutes to explain that he was okay and he would be there with her soon, but that this was a matter of life and death.

He ended the rollercoaster of a call after he managed to calm Pepper down a little, and observed what was going on before he stepped off the jet. Some of them seemed confused, but it was the first time he saw Quill smile when he approached the... raccoon? If he thought that was unusual he was in for a surprise when he saw a tree running over to Drax and extending his branches to him.

Tony stepped out, doing a half walk half jog in his black clothes he had been previously wearing before he was in his suit. The first person to notice him was of course Rhodey, who let out gasps of laughter in disbelief before rushing to him. The rest of the team were alerted by this, standing up waiting for Tony to make his way over. When he did, Steve gave him a warm welcome, then giving him a "it's good to have you back pal" kind of hand shake.

Hyacinth | MCUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora