Just Follow? Okay.

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(Y/N)'s POV

Killua "Hey! MR. Tonpa! that juice was great! got anymore?"

I stood behind Killua looking at Mr. Tonpa. Ryuu still next to me and being as aggressive to him as ever.

Killua "I don't know if it's just because im nervous, but i really am thirsty."

Killua walked over to him. and i simply followed behind. Tonpa gave him three cans of those and Killua began chugging them down. I mean poisons don't affect me at all but i don't know what he sees in that drink. it didn't even taste good!

Tonpa stares intensely at Killua. he seemed to be studying him.

Killua "worried? Well don't be i'll be fine. i trained for this. poisons don't hurt me."


Killua "come on (Y/N). let's go find somewhere to sit."

(Y/N) "o-okay. bye Mr. Tonpa."

i followed closely to Killua as he walked past the crown seemingly completely unfazed. after a while of walking in silence, he then looked at me and asked me.

Killua "Hey, why do you stutter by the way?"

(Y/N) "Ah! sorry! is it bothering you?"

Killua "no, not at all. just curious."

(Y/N) "w-well i tend to stutter a little when im nervous. i've never really made many friends. in fact the only friend i have is Ryuu here."

Killua "Hm. he's cool."

(Y/N) "He is isn't he?"

Ryuu gave a small hiss of approval, taking in the compliment.

Eventually, we found a relatively empty spot near the wall at the back. Killua sat there and rested his head on the wall, leaning his skateboard on the floor next to his feet. i sat next to him and Ryuu coiled himself around me, putting his head on top of mine. i giggled and patted him before closing my eyes and began memorizing some of the spells i know in order to calm my nerves.

*A Few Minutes Later*

We heard an alarm of sorts coming from the front of the pack. i got up as Ryuu un-coiled himself from me and slither his way a bit ahead of us.

Killua soon got up as well and we followed Ryuu until we were in the middle of the pack. 

The large stone gate began to lift upwards revealing a man with a suit and funny looking mustache. he also doesn't seem to have a mouth... why do people here look so weird? then again im a little boy with pale scales instead of skin, no hair on my body other than on my head and eyebrows and reptilian eyes so i guess i can't really judge.

(???) "I apologize for the delay. thank you for waiting. with no further adieu, the Hunter Exam will now begin. one final word of caution, if you're short on luck or ability, there is a real chance you may get seriously injured. death is another distinct possibility. if you're willing to take the risks involved, you may follow me now. but for the rest of you, kindly exit through the elevator behind you."


(???) "Right then. all 404 applicants will now participate in phase one."

the man put one of his foot 90 degrees up before slamming it back down and began doing a very funny looking walk. i giggled a bit but Killua just looked bored.

the walk continued for the first few seconds, that is until the man started becoming faster and somehow moved a longer distance despite being at the exact same pace as he did before.i have no idea how that works but at this point, im just gonna accept this world's weirdness and not ask any questions.

Unnatural~ (Killua x Male Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ