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(Y/N)'s POV

Oookay. I'm starting to think even the bird isn't sure where we're going. He's taken the same straight route and looked around anxiously on loop for about a few minutes now.

(Y/N) "Hey... do you actually know where we're going?"

The Watcher turned around to face me with shame and a hint of fear.

Watcher "Caw! Forgive me Caw! This castle seems to be keeping us here Caw!"

(Y/N) "Keeping us? What do you mean?"

Watcher "Caw! i never took a turn. It's always been a straight path and yet we always end up in the same room Caw!"

Huh... now that he mentioned it... He's right, we haven't taken any turns or odd moves and it's been different rooms but we always end up in this one next to this golden statue... Maybe there's a way to prove this theory.

(Y/N) "Stay here."

Watcher "Caw?"

Before he could ask any further of my decision, i legged it and charged full speed towards the door to leave this room, it opened to a lounge room, then a small garden, then a room with a fountain, and back into the room with the golden statue with the watcher still there waiting for me.

I ran again towards the door past the watcher, into a hallway, then a room with a mirror, then a small dining room of sorts, another hallway, then back into the room with the golden statue.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on my surroundings. Something is at play here... I sense traces of demon magic all around the rooms I've been to but it's vague yet... familiar... considering the complexity of the spell, I only have one suspect as to who it might be.

Mom must be behind this, but why she would even try to keep me here I'm not sure, another test maybe. It's definitely not out of her nature considering the lengths mom was willing to go during my training with Ryuu.

Actually- speaking of Ryuu, where is the guy? He up and left after giving me that ambiguous message about me and Killua. Let's see...

I switched my vision to that of Ryuu's and saw... hoards and hoards of zombies marching towards him like a giant writhing mass of rotten flesh.

Ryuu fought them off but for every one we killed, more come crawling back to replace them.

He took a small peek behind him and at the corner of his eye, i saw a glimpse of Gon and Pina laying on a stone bed carved with demonic runes as if to be sacrificed.

I'm not exactly sure what's happening here, but whatever it is, I don't like it.

I placed a hand on my chin as i tried racking up ideas on how i might be able to break through this room loop. Brute force isn't gonna work, I doubt i could fly out, I can feel magic blocking me from teleporting but Maybe...

I stood up straight and gathered my energy. An orb of demonic magic manifested itself in front of me. As i let go of my posture and let both my arms spread out, the orb exploded and sent a wave of energy throughout the room. The stone ceiling cracked and shattered into shards of glass and the walls began to do the same. Behind the parts that broke lie and endless void. So it's not an illusion...

Watcher "What was that?!"

I looked back at the shaken watcher whom I apparently scared from that blast.

(Y/N) "I wanted to see if the room is some sort of illusion but of course it isn't. An illusion is too simple for mom..." i said somewhat annoyed at the fact that i have no idea what's going on, where i am, or more importantly- how do i get out.

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