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(Y/N)'s POV

All three of us stared down the creepy clown. He looked at us with a horrifying smile, and frankly; i don't think it's very appropriate to show that smile to children.

Hisoka "Oh don't look at me with those faces~... those little... beautiful... faces..."

Killua "go away. We're not your targets."

Hisoka "oh i wasn't here for your badges... i just wanted to enjoy the view but then, that little one on the back spotted me with those bright glowing eyes~"

Just when i thought this guy couldn't get any creepier...

I gave Ryuu a telepathic command and prepare for flight. He got my orders and disengaged a bit.

I shoved myself forward and hugged Killua tightly from behind as Ryuu jumped onto me and i turn myself into black smoke.

I flew past Hisoka and grabbed our clothes on the rock before flying high up through the forests and eventually back into our cave.

I turned myself back to normal and stjmbled tiredly over from carrying two people who are significantly heavier than me and leaned myself on a rock after picking my shirt back up from the ground.

Killua "wha... what just happened?"

(Y/N) "i flew us back here. That Hisoka guy was way too creepy for me!"

Killua "you okay? You look a bit..."

(Y/N) "tired. Flying isn't as easy as you might imagine and balancing two people heavier than you makes it a lot harder." I said while putting on my shirt.

Ryuu slithered his way over to me and made a seat behind me which i happily leaned upon.

Killua picked up his shirt from the ground and sat next to me, he threw his clothes over his shoulder and just sat quietly.

Killua "*huff* jeez... we only got to take a dip for what? Half an hour? Before that freak showed up."

I looked at Killua who in turn looked at me.

(Y/N) "do you know anything about that guy? I only know his name and that he's dangerous."

Killua "to be honest, im kinda in the same boat with you on that one. He has a different aura from everyone else, much darker. Hell, even compared to you and me! He should be avoided if possible."

My tone shifted a bit to concern.

(Y/N) "yeah, but then again... what about Gon? How do you think he's doing?"

Killua seems to have picked up on my sudden change. He then spoke out his thoughts with a hint of worry in his voice.

Killua "oh right. He needed to get Hisoka's badge..."

(Y/N) "shoule we help him?"

Killua "no. We'll only get in his way. Besides, you've seen him in action before. He can handle himself, im sure of it!"

(Y/N) "yeah... i guess you're right..."

We stayed silent for a bit until i started talking again.

(Y/N) "well at least we'll be done with this island tomorrow. We should stay in here for the rest of the day. The cave provides us with shade, we have enough food to last until tomorrow, and i can place a spell here to hide our presence."

Killua "alright. Sure."

I got up and began preparing for the spell while Killua rotated around and layed his head on Ryuu.

*sigh* well it was nice to get cleaned up a bit at least. But that was WAY too close for comfort. We need to be more cautious in the future...


It's now the next day and i stood next to Killua in front of the bridge to the boat with Ryuu slithering by my side.

We looked around for any sign of Gon, Kurapika, or Leorio.

Killua "see anything?"

(Y/N) "no... not yet... oh! There they are! With... oh you gotta be kidding me!"

Killua turned to where i looked. Gon was walking beside Pina the Holy Jerkwad. He saw us and waved happily as he ran to us but Killua, Ryuu and I were so focused on giving Pina a death glare that we barely noticed Gon at all.

Gon "hey! Glad to see you guys made it! What's with that look?"

Gon followed the metaphorical lighting from mine, Ryuu and Killua's gaze and was led back to Pina. He then walked between the three of us and held both his arms out.

Gon "come on guys! Stop being so mean to him!"

Killua "Gon. Why are you even with this guy?!"

Gon "he was the one that helped me when i was paralyzed! He gave me a cure and offered me to stay at his camp! He's a good guy!"

(Y/N) "he's a jerk who attacks me and Ryuu for no reason!"

Pina "oh but i do have a reason. You are a-"

Before he could even finish, Ryuu was already behind him and ready to sink his fangs down this guy's neck.

(Y/N) "you really need to watch that tongue of yours. Some people don't appreciate you giving out information about them."

The tension grew more as we continue to stare eachother down.

Gon "GUYS PLEASE!! No fighting! Can't we all just get along?"

Gon looked at all of us with a sad face.

(Y/N) "sorry Gon. But some people just can't 'get along'."

Pina "for once, i agree with you."

Gon looked even sadder than he was before, that is until Leorio and Kurapika arrived on the scene and mere moments later, an exam comitee member announced the names of those who can go to the next phase along with the points that they collected.

The deathglares we were giving to eachother ceased as we were called to board the boat. Pina stuck with Gon so Killua pulled me away from the two of them and Ryuu followed. The rest of the boatride played out smoothly, if not for some underlying tension.

Well at least after this will be the last phase. Let's hope all goes well there...

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