Gourmet Hunters

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(Y/N)'s POV

Well this is a problem... the examinors Menchi and Buhara have decided that in order to pass the exam, we need to cook pork. Currently im with Killua, Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio along with Ryuu of course trying to find pigs.

After a few minutes of looking around, Gon took liberty to slide down a hill. Killua didn't take long to follow and seeing how fun it looks, i joined with Ryuu following close behind me.

Killua "weeeeaaAAAAAAAA!!"

Killua crashed onto Gon followed by me crashing into Killua.

Killua "gah!"

And Ryuu the big snake crashing into me...

(Y/N) "Ow!"

And Kurapika crashing into Ryuu...

Ryuu "SSsSs!! (ouch!)"

And Leorio crashing into Kurapika.

Kurapika "ah!"

Killua "what the hell Gon?!"

Gon "we found them. Pigs."

Huh? Oh yeah we did. Infront of us are giant pigs with big pointed snouts munching on... bone...?

Kurapika "don't tell me... they're..."

(Y/N) "carnivores..."

One of them saw us and before long, we were all running yet another marathon as the entire herd began chasing us.

We made a run to the other applicants who tried multiple methods to killing the pigs but to no avail. Eventually, we had to split up as the pig came charging on us through the middle only to hit a tree. Apples fell and hit the pig on it's forehead.

Ooh so that's why their snouts are so high up.

(Y/N) "Ryuu!"

He got my telepathic command and jumped up, biting the pig on the forehead and killing it instantly.

Kurapika "that's it! They evolved tall though snouts to protect their delicate forehead."

Then we looked around and saw everyone started hitting the pigs on their forehead.

Killua "no fair! We figured out how to do it!"

(Y/N) "i mean, considering how loud that pig was, it was innevetable that someone would see us."

Gon "come on! We still need to cook them!"

Leoreo "the quicker we finish, the quicker we'll be sent off to the next round!"

(Y/N) "that is probably one of the stupidest things i've ever heard from you."

Leoreo "why you little brat!"

Killua laughed and gave me a high-five. Who knew being mean is actually kinda fun. In truth, i wasn't really trying to be mean like Killua just sarcastic.

Anyway, carrying the huge pigs on our shoulders (Ryuu was carrying mine for me), we ran back to the location for the hunter's exam and began cooking.

I actually have a little hobby for cooking. Since my dad is always drunk somewhere and my mom won't let me eat anything on the table, i made a little habit of taking a few food supplies from the cabinets without mom knowing and cooking for myself while she's gone.

It's also good to know how to use a knife and chop fingers. You know, should the opportunity present itself.

But back to reality. Wanting to be a bit more cautious, i decided to wait and see what everyome else does. The first meal was presented to Menchi and Buhara. It was just a fully roasted pig. Buhara ate it happily amd gave the applicant a pass meanwhile Menchi just denied him without even tasting. The next one went the same. And the next, and the next, and the next.

Unnatural~ (Killua x Male Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum