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(Y/N)'s POV

Ryuu charged towards Gon with his venomous fangs ready to pierce and inject. Gon just stood his ground in the few miliseconds he has before Ryuu's bite would dig deep.

But then the winds shifted.

Dust blew around us as a sudden force blew my hair back. Once it stopped and the dust settles, it revealed Netero holding Ryuu by the throat only a hair away from Gon.

Netero "now now. Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

My patience now runs thin.

(Y/N) "this doesn't concern you!"

Netero "actually it does. You are not allowed to kill or attack the spectators. Since it was Gon who started first, i'll let this one time slide, but know that should you try to attack anyone other than your foe again, i will have no choice but to fail you on thw Hunter's Exam."

Mr. Netero then let go of Ryuu who hissed profanities at him before slithering his way back to my side.

My fangs gritted against eachother as i felt bloodlust flow through me. I looked back at Pina and saw that he had new found hope from Gon's intervention. It looks like i can't get him to die now.

(Y/N) "fine! I end my round! I surrender." I said begrudgingly. But before i walked back to my spot next to Killua, i looked at Gon.

My eyes shone bright with pupils sharp as daggers.

(Y/N) "Survive till you get to my round, Gon... I'll make you beg for death..."

Gon gulped and tried to keep his determined face. Though i wonder how much pain it'll take to break that...

Ryuu and I made our way to the back of the line and leaned on a wall. Great. Now im in a bad mood...


Damn it! Gon's fight with Hanzo lead to him being unconscious! Argh! No doubt that means they're gonna have to move his turn back!

I gazed at Hanzo and snarled. He put both his hands up in defense and walked away. Before long, i felt a hand on my shoulder and under inspection, saw that it was Killua giving me an amused yet concerned smile.

Killua "whoa! Easy there, champ."

I calmed down a bit as Killua rubbed my shoulder.

Killua "look. I get that what he did was out of turn, but... you can't really control Gon, and i doubt he could even control himself! It's pretty much just second nature for him to try doing the 'good' thing. I understand if you wanna beat him up a bit but i just ask that you don't go all out on him alright?"

My killer gaze slowly faded as i saw the concern in Killua's eyes. Both fpr me, and for Gon.

(Y/N) "*sigh*... fine..."

Killua "hey, don't be so down. We'll bully him later." He said with a smirk.

I couldn't help but smile too and even giggle a bit at the thought of mocking Gon when he wakes up. Well, since it's just his left arm that's broken, i guess you can say he'll be... ALL-RIGHT! AYYYYY!!

Ryuu "Ba-dum-tss!"

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