Unfamiliar Place

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(Y/N)'s POV


what happened...?

I cracked my eye open slightly, letting painfully blinding light go through. a few blinks later and i can finally take in my surroundings. Ryuu was back in his humanoid form and was sitting on the edge of the huge bed i was on. Taking further attention to the actual room, we seem to be in a very lavish and big bed chamber. The walls were gilded with gold and everything here looked way too expensive to whatever im used to. in fact; if i didn't know i'm a demon, i'd say this is probably what a hotel in heaven would look like.

i sat up and supported myself with my arms. I guess the noises alerted him as Ryuu finally looked at me.

Ryuu "hey! you're finally awake!"

(Y/N) "yeah... where are we?"

Ryuu "mom's castle."

(Y/N) "...she has a castle?..."

Ryuu " 'apparently. Mom's always full of surprises so i try not to ask too many questions and just take it as it is."

i decided to ignore the fact that my adoptive demon mother suddenly has a very luxurious looking castle and instead went on to ask on the situation.

(Y/N) "How long were we out for?"

Ryuu "a day, give or take. i just woke up an hour ago. mom was here and she told me what happened but then left."

(Y/N) "wait so... did my plan work?"

Ryuu "maybe? i don't know. all i know is that mom took us here after we 'died' and that we failed the exam. So i guess some part of your plan worked."

i stopped to process all of what he said for a bit. after a while, i got up from the bed and walked to one of the large windows on the side of the room. Looking out, i saw a rocky forest covered with snow and frost. seeing as the giant window was actually a door that lead to a balcony outside, i opened it and walked out. the air was cold and sharp but i endured it.

my bare feet touched the icy stone that the castle was made of. to the left and right, the castle stretched as far as my eyes can see. giant towers and stone buildings reaching up into the skies while statues, gargoyles, and stone railings decorate the rim of the roof and windows.

(If that's a little too hard to picture, imagine something along the lines of Cainhurst Castle from Bloodborne, or Castle Dimitrescu from RE8)

As i looked out at the frozen wonderland in front of me, my thoughts drifted to what the events that happened back at the last phase of the exam. in particular, Killua...

i remember how he rushed to me and called out my name over and over again as i fell unconscious... I wonder if he'll actually find me... then again, even I don't know where the heck this castle is at so maybe he won't even know where to start looking.

Ryuu "thinking about Killua?"

i turned around in surprise to see Ryuu leaning on the glass door and looking at me with a smug smile.

(Y/N) "N-no! well- yes but-..."

Ryuu "don't even bother trying to hide it. we're connected to each other. i know everything you've got hidden in that little brain of yours."

(Y/N) "who gave you permission to poke around my thoughts?! and im smarter than you, you jerk!"

Ryuu laughed before walking up to me and placing his hands on my shoulder.

Ryuu "Look... i'm not sure how this is all gonna turn out, but if it's going the way i think it's going... just know that im always on your side, and that i'll always be there no matter what the world throws at us, you hear?"

i raised an eyebrow at what he said.

(Y/N) "what do you mean? what's gonna happen?"

Ryuu "well... it's just that you and Killua..."

Ryuu stopped mid-sentence. he looked out into space for a moment as if realizing what he just said before chuckling to himself.

Ryuu "you know what, nevermind."

he let go of me and began walking towards the door which i assume leads out of this room.

(Y/N) "w-wait! what were you talking about? what about me and Killua?" i shouted as he continued to walk away.

Ryuu "you'll understand when you're older!"

(Y/N) "you're only two years older than me!!"

Ryuu chuckled again as he opened the door and walked out, leaving me in that room still confused at what he meant.

seeing as im not gonna get anything out of him at present, i decided to leave it be and just go back to whatever i was doing before.

Well things seem to have worked out so far but now to the next part of the plan... how to get back to Killua...

after a moment of thinking, another idea surfaced. I went back into the room and searched for my backpack. after finding it and opening it, i grabbed my spell book and flipped around for a spell to summon a lesser demon. Eventually finding one to summon what is known as a 'watcher'.

i extended an arm forward and focused my magic. black must wrapped around my arm before mustering on my hand and when the shadows are gone, a crow with glowing (E/C) eyes rested on the palm of my hand. I gave it my Blade of Woe and told him to find Killua and Gon.

the bird bowed it's head slightly before flying out the open glass door to do what i instructed it to.

Don't worry for me, Kil... im okay... soon, you'll see that for yourself...

now, onto the next problem at hand. finding my way around this castle. *sigh* the places i live in seems to get bigger and bigger every year. when im 15 i might as well have my own world. a little pocket dimension. As if aunt Minerva's house wasn't enough of a maze...

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