The Observatory

989 41 2

(Y/N)'s POV

Without access to the castle library, or the equivalent of the 'super-computer' that mom bought for us a while ago, my sources limited. Still, I opened my tablet and looked up what I can find. To my surprise, there was more information than I was expecting. The ruins in these areas are pretty well-documented, but the civilization who left it behind isn't. Through radiocarbon dating, the ruins of this island are estimated to be around 3000 years old. The architecture is unique and an exact replica of it's style was never found, but it seems to take on the themes of the ruins in the eastern side of the world. As for the runes...

There is no direct translation, and it seems no one has been able to accurately pinpoint its origin. What I was able to find were only bits and pieces of what little the scientists were able to interpret, and even then - they were mostly speculations and educated guesses. I myself have never seen these runes before now, even with my extensive studies in Magic, languages, and runes. That said, I can't help but feel an odd familiarity coming from them. Perhaps it's simply my brain messing with me, or delusions coming from the fact that it's probably the next day and I barely slept a wink, but I remember seeing these symbols - or something like these written on papers in dad's workroom... 

Though I can't be sure about it. Most of the memories of my past are hazy. The constant beatings, berating, fear-mongering... All the bad memories have made one day blur into the other.

I wonder what you're doing now, dad? Planning an escape? Or are you preparing to fight? Either way, I won't let you go... wherever you run, I'll chase to you to Oblivion and beyond. Till the end of the earth, I'll see you suffer in every way possible...

Killua "(Y/N)? You okay?"

(Y/N) "H-huh?"

I turned around to see Killua sitting on his bed, looking at me with a slight hint of worry.

Killua "You've been holding that really intense look for a while now."

(Y/N) "O-oh. Fine. Just thinking about stuff. W-wait, why are you still awake?"

Killua "Haven't slept. I sleep once every few days remember?"

(Y/N) "Ah right..."

 In the moment of silence that followed, Killua stood up and made his way to me. He reviewed my work as I just continued to sit and shift around awkwardly.

Killua "Have you thought about how you're going to present us to Malphas?"

(Y/N) "Our findings?"

Killua returned my question with a raised eyebrow.

(Y/N) "Oh! Our relationship! R-right. Well.. I thought about it a little, and I don't think there's much to worry about on that department. Mom tends to know about things even before I tell her about it. If she really doesn't like something, she's usually pretty quick to deal with it."

Killua "She can read minds?"

(Y/N) "In all honesty, I don't know. She has all sorts of weird powers that even I barely understand so probably."

Killua looked away in thought for a moment before returning to me.

Killua "What about you? How do you feel about us?"

(Y/N) "That's a... pretty loaded question. To summarize, I guess I feel pretty good about it. I-I mean, at least we can accept each other's 'quirks.' So I can't really see any reason to object. How about you?"

A small smile made itself present on Killua's face.

Killua "Heh. Yeah. I feel pretty good about it too."

A brief moment of quiet came between us, one underlined by a warm sensation that hung in the air. Eventually, Killua opened up a new topic and inquired about how my research is going so far. I told him about what I've found and before long, the sun had risen and it was time for us to go to our next site of adventure - The Old Observatory.


A few hours worth of walking, and half-an-hour of boat-rowing, and we made it to the site of the Old Observatory.

Killua "Alright, we're here. What do you know about this place, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) "An observatory built around 92 years ago. It was commission by the mayor of the time only to later be bought by a community of scientists after the mayor was out of office. 30 years before present day, the scientists cut themselves off from the world and created a force-field of sorts."

Gon "Uhhh, I don't see a force-field."

(Y/N) "Exactly. It was brought down recently. Whatever happened to disable the field also sent disturbances to our devices in the castle."

Ryuu "Wait- you don't mean! The sudden file corruption a week ago?! Damn it! It broke my entire Searim save game!"

(Y/N) "Precisely why I thought we should investigate."

Our attentions were drawn to the sudden crunching of gravel. Gon walked forward and inspected one of the towers that would project the force-field.

Killua "Something wrong, Gon?"

He turned to us and pointed something out.

Gon "These towers don't look broken. Look, the green light is still flashing."

Killua then spoke up, seemingly catching onto another little detail.

Killua "Not only that. Look here, the stone is chipped, and these outer structures didn't break down from age. There was a fight that happened here."

Ryuu "Hey guys, you might want to look up."

We turned to look at the dome of the observatory. Two of the spotlights flickered at a steady pattern.

Ryuu "Morse code..."

We waited and observed the flickering lights. My eyes opened wide as I realized what it was trying to say...


Ryuu "(Y/N)..."

I looked down as horrible memories flood my mind. All evidence point to this being a trap. The towers are still active, and this place likely has automated defenses. I can't afford to ignore a possible lead to that bastard's location. That said... I'm not sure how comfortable I am with putting my friends at risk. Capable as Killua and Gon are, father was able to escape Malphas. Evidence suggests he's much more dangerous than one might think. I wonder if perhaps...

I should do this alone...

Ryuu "Hey. Get that thought out of your head. I'm not letting you go after him on your own."

I looked up, seeing the compassionate gaze Ryuu gave me. It's clear he's decided he'll go with me.

Killua "(Y/N)"

My eyes met with that of ocean blue, eyes drowned in bloodlust.

Killua "Let's go get him."

Ryuu "Look, just because he's your target, don't think I'm gonna let him go. After everything he did to you, I'll pull his soul out of Hell just so we could kill him again."

Killua "We owe you one. After getting us out of that situation with Illumi, it's the least we could do."

I couldn't help but smile gratefully at the two who showed me companionship. I can understand Ryuu's shared hatred of my father. Being able to share my thoughts, he has been able to glimpse into what little I remember of father. Killua's motives are still somewhat a mystery but I suppose we do share a past of being tortured by our families. To that extent, his relation to me is cause enough for him to also want my enemies dead.

That only leaves one person. One person who has yet to sound off their allegiance.

Gon looked at me indecisively. He has no motives nor murderous intent. Most people would stay out of this and allow me to do what must be done, but Gon isn't like most people. He is prone to letting the good in other people shine through, even when he has no reason to. I tolerated your insolence with Pina, but if you get in between me and father...

I don't think I can hold myself...

Unnatural~ (Killua x Male Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum