Great Job Leorio...

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(Y/N)'s POV

A few more button based doors and a few shouting matches later, we made it to a room that actually looks interesting. A large arena looking platform in the middle with a deep pit surrounding it.

A door on the other side opened up revealing five people and we were given our instructions via a speaker. In short: each of us will face off against someone from the other side and if we gain more points, we can advance. If we don't then the exam stops here. Great. And we have one guy in our team who can't fight or do anything hunter-related for that matter. No im not talking about me, im talking about Mr. Tiny-glasses over here in the suit.

Sorry. Been a long day with him.

Anyway, the first prisoner offered us our first challange. A simple fight.

Usually im shy about going first, but seein as i need to let go of steam, i decided to ask them if it's alright for me to take this guy on.

(Y/N) "hey guys? You mind if Ryuu and i go first?"

Everyone just looked at me and after a few seconds Killua answered.

Killua "you sure you can handle yourself?"

(Y/N) "yeah. I'll be fine."

Killua "alright. Good luck."

I nodded and began walking towards the arena in the middle with Ryuu slithering next to me. After making it to the large platform, the bridge behind us retracted.

??? "Sorry, forgot to add. This is gonna be a battle to the death. And im not gonna hesitate from killing a little kid like you."

(Y/N) "i know."

??? "Alright. Let's do this."

He went into an attack pose and waited. I felt his aura radiate but it wasn't nearly enough to concern me.

He charged at me and tried to punch me square at the face. I just jumped slightly to the left and Ryuu jumped to the right. After his fists hit the floor, i gave Ryuu the command and he strikes the man right at his neck. Ryuu's strike and him pulling back to defensive stance barely took half a second but the wound was there.

??? "Gah! Damn it!"

The man brought his hand to his neck which now has a grand total of 8 holes on it all bleeding profusely.

??? "I'll get you for..."

And the poison should kick in right about... now.


The man dropped to the floor completely motionless. I walked over to him and poked his face a little. His eyes were going up, and his mouth was foaming and the holes on his neck were bleeding out. Yep. Definitely dead.

You know, i expected more of a challange. Ah well. At least i have lunch now.

I stepped on the man's back whilst holding his arm. Pulling a bit, i ripped it off and began walking back to the others who all had horrified looks at me (save for Killua who just looked amused.)

After getting there, the others took a few steps back from me and only Killua walked closer.

He looked at me snapping the arm in two, giving the upper half to ryuu while i muched on the elbow from the side of my face as if i was holding a chicken leg.

Killua asked with a smirk and his eyebrows raised, obviously finding whatever im doing to be funny.

Killua "this another half-snake thing?"

(Y/N) "yep."

Gon "do snakes eat humans?"

I just shrugged and walked over to the back along with Ryuu and enjoyed my lunch break with Killua joining and sitting next to me soon after. We began talking like we usually do.

Unnatural~ (Killua x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now