the dinner

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(3rd person pov) as Peter got into the elevator he was on the phone with an old gun buddy or as he called him an old friend he used to train with. anyways as the elevator got to the communal floor he was so into the conversation he didn't realize the doors had opened until he looked up to see the avengers running around in nice clothes yelling at each other. he then realized he was early, so he decided to scare them "yeah I know i have the AK 47 I got it last year" he said into his phone all of the avengers froze and slowly turned towards him with blushes on their faces they were about to say something before he pointed toward his phone they nodded and waited where they were. "yeah yeah wade I gotta call you back I have a dinner" he said "oh Petey has a date" wade said on the other end of the line "it's not a date" Peter said with an eye roll that made the male avengers blush. "ok bye wade" peter said hanging up. "so I know I'm early but i"ll wait" he said "no it's fine the food is almost done" steve said "ok ill go change I have somewhere to be after anyways" peter said walking to the bathroom with his bag. when he got out the male avengers were speechless he looked so handsome. he had on a red suit with a black tie and some red dress shoes .the suit looked so sexy on him, it fit him in all the right places. the male avengers couldn't help but feel a little jealous, he said he had somewhere else to go after dinner was he going on a date they wondered. "what do I look bad?" he said looking at them with a confused face. "no not at all you look really sexy actually" clint sputtered "thanks clint" peter smirked "dinners ready" steve yelled from the kitchen.

(peters pov) as we walked I could feel their glances on me. soon we sat down I said thanks to them for the food and started eating I could feel them glaring at Clint while glancing at me. the gun on my hip is hurting my side so I pull it out and set it on the table next to me. the room goes dead silent. I pull out my phone and start scrolling through it when I hear someone cough I look up to see everyone looking at me with wide eyes. "what" I ask them "why do you have a gun" tony says  "safety and it was uncomfy on my hip" I say "okay but why do you have it now" bruce says "the place I'm going after this is dangerous and if I gotta shot or stab somebody ill do it" I say "where are you going" bucky says " just some merc bar " I say which isn't a  total lie "why are you going to a merc bar" sam asks his voice a little raised "just some personal business" i say "anyways why where you guys glancing at me the whole dinner?" i ask and yes i know they have a crush on me i don't feel the same way but i want to give them a chance. they shrug and look away from me and it goes silent. I realize I have to go, "um I gotta go, thanks for the dinner," I say getting my gun and putting it back on my hip. as I go to hug them tony stops me. he turns me around and kisses me. I stand there shocked I pull away and walk towards the elevator I can hear them run towards me I pull out my gun and aim towards them they stop and put their hands up. "I'm gonna go ill be back tomorrow," I say they nod and  I get into the elevator, and before the doors close I say "I know you all like me, I'll give you guys a chance just don't try to kiss me" they smile and nod as the doors close and the elevator goes down.

The Love They Give   -avengers x Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now