the new things

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Peter was very happy to see Wade but he had other things things to do. Such as being the Avenger's babysitter. The next morning Wade left him a note telling him he was thankful for his hospitality and he will most likely be back, said as though he was gonna get hurt again which worried Peter.

As Peter arrived at the Avengers tower he sighed in frustration. Peter knew what he was getting into when he became the Avengers Assistant, but he didn't think they would be this much of a hassle. He got into the private elevator and no longer than 10 seconds he was at the penthouse. As the elevator doors opened he heard his name "-Peter late?!?!?" Whose voice belonged to Clint, who was the first to notice his arrival. Clint yelled for the Avengers to come to welcome Peter. They all said their hello's and gave hugs. They all sat down and asked for a rundown of their schedule for today. Peter gave them the rundown of their schedule. They had a couple of meetings and some things but they mostly had the day to themselves which prompted Wanda and Natasha to go on their little date. As soon as Wanda and Natasha left Peter sat on the couch and got on his phone not paying any attention to the male avengers.

Clint decided that he was going to take the initiative as he sat next to Peter and tried to cuddle up next to him, when Peter scooted farther away Clint frowned but decided that he was gonna try to bond with Peter. Clint turned towards Peter "Hey peter do you want to play Mario cart?" he asked with a hopeful look in his eyes. Peter looked at him with an eyebrow raised before he agreed and Clint jumped off the couch in glee and went to get the controllers and Xbox. After he set the game up he and peter sat down as they were about to start Peter turned towards Clint."I'm gonna whoop you're ass Clint" Peter said with a smirk. Clint smirked back and the game started. The other male avengers began to join them in the living room as they heard yelling from the pair. "YES!!!!!" Peter shouted after winning against Clint for the 10th time.

Clint smiled seeing Peter being so happy and sobered when he realized all of the other male avengers were looking at Clint with the "we need to talk' look. He and the other male avengers excused themselves and went to the meeting room not knowing peter was going to log in to the meeting room camera and audio to see what they were talking about. They pilled in the meeting room and sat down. Clint was the first to say anything because he wanted to get this over with quickly. "Okay, what is it, guys?" The team sighed and began.

The Love They Give   -avengers x Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now