See you now

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5 months later

Peter had been working for Peppers media team for 5 months now, as much as he enjoyed it, he really missed the Avengers. Peter had thought that working for Pepper and not the Avengers would give him a break from the Avengers and make him feel less stressed but in reality he kinda felt bored without the avengers. He really liked that he could travel so much but he hasn't seen the Avengers in 5 months and he would be lying if he said he didn't miss them.

Just as Peter was going through all this in his head, walking around the media building in Los Angeles, he bumped into a muscular figure knocking him back a little. As he regained his composure he looked up and to his surprise, he saw Steve rogers, in all his glory right in front of him looking just as shocked as he was. They stared at each other before Peter coughed to end the awkward silence. "Hey Steve , whatcha doing here?" Peter asked with a bit of humor in his voice. " Hey Pete, I'm here for a photo shoot with the rest of the team, for a magazine". When Peter heard the rest of the team he got really nervous , he nodded at Steve and moved to walk past Steve on his way to his office , but Steve grabbed his arm and held it until he talked "we missed you, a lot" he said not looking at Peter. " I know" Peter said pulling his arm away from Steve's grasp and walking away to his office.

When Peter arrived at his office he let out a breath of relief and sat down in his chair to go over some emails, he saw an email that was from Pepper telling him that she wanted him to post some photos of the avengers today with the pictures the photographer sent him from the photo shoot , which was the next email he got. He clicked on the photos and scrolled through them , saving the ones he was going to post. He opened up the official Avengers account and got to work posting the photos. He quickly uploaded them and got up from his chair to go get some coffee from the food area in the building. He closed his office door and made his way to the area occasionally greeting his cowerkers in passing. As he walked into the area he looked up from his phone and almost fell back at the sight of the Avengers in modeling clothes eating and talking amongst themselves.

All of the employees looking at the Avengers with awe. As soon as he saw the Avengers he immediately regretted going to get coffee. He had tried to walk away quickly but got spotted. " Peter?" Bruce said with surprise, all of the avengers looking his way. "Nope just a regular employee!" Peter said walking away quickly, he finally made it to his office and decided to get his assistant to get his coffee.

He sat down in his chair and breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as he got comfortable he heard a knock on his door. "Come in" Peter said. The door opened and revealed all of the avengers, save for Natasha and Wanda, which had texted him saying they wanted to let him talk to the avengers privately. Which he held a slight smile at. "Peter, it's nice to see you" Bucky said with a smile on his face as well as all the others. "Yeah, it's nice to see you guys too" Peter said. "we really missed you, Pete" sam said. "Yeah i've heard , a look a steve "i've missed you guys too." Peter said.

The Avengers and Peter shared a moment before Peters assisant, Miles knocked on his door letting him know he had his coffee. Peter got up and walked over to his door, got his coffee and told Miles to take the rest of the day off. He closed the door and sat back down in his chair, setting his coffee down on a coaster on his desk. "We wanted to know if you wanted to go to dinner with us?" Clint said with a hopeful smile along with the rest of the Avengers. "Uh..not today guys" Peter said with a sad look on his face. "Maybe tomorrow?" He said after seeing their mournful faces. Peter started to feel woeful, but he didn't want to start interacting with them too soon.

"Yea, sure Pete" Sam said with a slight smile. "Well it's been good seeing you guys but I have to get back to my work" Peter said to end the slight timid conversation, hoping they would leave soon. "Oh! Yea, see ya later Pete" Bruce said. They all shuffled out waving as they left all with a sad face.

The Love They Give   -avengers x Peter Parkerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें