Heart to Heart

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As the elevator slowed toward the common floor Peter sighed heavily. " Hey Fri, can you keep the doors closed for a moment when I get to the common floor?". Peter said mournfully, "sure Peter, i will not open them until you say" Friday said. "Thanks, Fri," Peter said with a slight smile. Then a ding, Peter startled from his thoughts and realized he was on the common floor, he sighed loudly and wished he didn't have to tell them. He wished he could just avoid the very hard conversation he was about to have. " Open the doors, Fri " Peter said in a very emotional voice. "Of course, Peter," Friday said as the doors slid open.

As the elevator doors slid open it revealed all of the Avengers laying around the living room, Clint and Bucky playing Mario kart, Steve, Tony and Bruce conversing on the sofa nearby. Wanda and Natasha cuddling on the loveseat closest to the kitchen, Sam reading a book near the loveseat, Vision just eating popcorn humming a tune watching Clint and Bucky play Mario kart. Peter looked at them with a smile in his eyes, his eyes became watery but he pushed the sadness away until after the talk with them. He coughed slightly to get their attention. They all looked towards him with a smile that caused his heart to hurt. "I've got to tell you guys something" Peter said walking towards the middle of the living room to make sure they were all facing him. " Pete? What is it" Wanda said with a worried expression. Peter sighed sadly "Pepper offered me a job and that means that I won't be working for you guys anymore, the job is one that will mean i'll be gone for months at a time and i wont see you guys much" peter said.

As he looked around all of the faces of the avengers were solemn and nobody said anything. "Peter...." Natasha said with a sad expression as she got up to hug him, he hugged her back tightly never wanting to let go. The rest of the Avengers got up and gave him the best group hug of his life.

As they separated Peter looked at them sadly and went to hug them all individually, each hug made him hurt worse. Bucky gave these warm but deadly hugs, it made you feel that if he squeezed any harder you would die. Tony gave these loose but meaningful hugs, letting you know he loved you with the slight warmth of his body.

Wanda and Natasha were the same, tight and warm hugs, hugs you never wanted to end. Bruce gave hugs like he was on his last breath, so much love and sadness within one hug. Clint gave hugs like he never wanted to let go, the hardest hug to get away from. Vision gave hugs like the hug would save the world, he made sure you felt everything, every emotion, cell, breath within the hug. Steve gave hugs like he just learned how to hug, very awkward but when it was someone he loved it was tight and warm. At the end of the hugs each Avenger looked at him with so much sadness, it made a single tear roll down his cheek but he smiled at them. " I love you guys, I'm gonna miss all of you" Peter said with a wide smile. " We love you too Pete" Steve said with a smile as the Avengers smiled at him with tears in their eyes.

Peter walked towards the elevator, tears now gone. "Bye guys. See you" he said with a smile, he got into the elevator pressed the button to the first floor and waved as the elevator doors closed. He sighed once again and wondered what was in store for him.

The Love They Give   -avengers x Peter ParkerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ