the conflict pt:2

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Underneath the grin that Peter wore throughout the awkward yet amusing conversation, he was quite literally freaking out. He had hoped that maybe they were firing him but this was worse much worse. Although he supposes he wouldn't be too thrilled if they were firing him , as the job was a good source of income for him especially with college. He didn't not want to join the avengers but him being their assistant aside from his alter ego would make them feel betrayed. He was happy about having more time to be spiderman, but he wouldn't be having much fun with that as the avengers would be on his tail. As the conversation came to a close he began walkng towards the common room with the avengers. " I think spiderman is a really good superhero" Natasha piped up after a momentary silence. Bucky and Steve hummed agreeningly. " I think he would make a great part of our team"Tony said, everyone agreeing. " He has a nice ass" Clint said shortly after, Peter blushing while the Avengers laughed. " That he does" Bruce said with a chuckle, that suprised the Avengers as he's usually very quiet about these kind of topics.

As they arrived in the common room Peter got a text message from Pepper asking him to stop by her office as soon as possible, seeing the text message Peter wore a worried expression. Peter turned towards the group of avengers. " Guys i have to go see Pepper, i'll be back in a bit'' Peter said. "Ok, Pete see you later" Clint said as Peter walked towards the elevator, the other Avengers waved to him as he left. As Peter stepped off the elevator onto the floor where Peppers office is located he saw Peppers assistant pacing infornt of Peppers office. "Oliver? , whats wrong?" Peter asked worried. Oliver turned towards Peter and gave him a wary smile "Hey Peter, nothings wrong" he said then walked towards the elevator and left. Now Peter was really worried, he walked towards Peppers office and entered "Pepper?" Peter called. "Come on in Pete" Pepper called through her
Personal office door. Peter entered her office and sat down, not without noticing the dark circles under Peppers eyes.
She smiled at him and told him she had been working for two days non stop and she hadn't gotten and sleep. He sighed, relived that it wasn't something really bad. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Peter asked with a polite smile which Pepper returned. "I want you to stop working for the Avengers and be apart of my media team for the Avengers" Pepper said with a slight smile. "That sounds great Pepper, I don't know how the Avengers will feel about that though" Peter said with a grimace just thinking about the Avengers faces when he tells them. "Yes I understand that, you can start the position on the media team whenever you tell them about it." Pepper says "Well I'll let you know when I tell them so we can get started." Peter said getting up from the chair in front of Peppers desk. "Ok, Pete see you later" Pepper said as he walked out. He left for the elevator with a heavy heart, he has never had a more painful elevator ride to the Avengers floor.
[I'm back, more chapters to come!]

The Love They Give   -avengers x Peter ParkerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ