becoming the intern/assistant

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(3rd person POV) It has been two weeks since the civil war and the avengers have reunited and are living in the Avengers tower. peter did actually finish the essay and he got it turned in on time. Tony has yet to tell the avengers his arrangement with spiderman so when they ask how he is and if they can meet him, he knew he had to break the news." guys I have to tell you something" tony says one day as their sitting around the lounge. tony sighs "me and spiderman came to an agreement that he would help fight and we wouldn't have any further communtication" he blurts out finally happy to get that off his chest. they all look at him sadly, "so we will never meet him" says steve "not never" tony says and they go back to silence, they all wish to meet him.

(peters pov) I got an email two weeks ago saying that I have an interview at stark industries and I got in and now I'm pepper potts' assistant, though she said that I might work my way up to the avengers assistant soon, I didn't even know the avengers had an assistant. apparently, it's a new thing but I don't know about being the avenger's assistant, well because of the civil war and all but also it could be exciting. I just got to work and pepper says she wants to introduce me to some people. as we're in the elevator i realize were going up to the avenger's floors. "why are we going to the avengers' floor" i ask her "i want you to meet them. you are going to be their assisant" she says back with a smile i roll my eyes "did you even tell them they are getting an assistant" i ask "nope" she says as the elevator stops and the door open.

(3rd person pov) as the elevator doors open the avengers go silent and look towards the elevator. they see pepper standing there with a college student, "Hey guys I want you to meet peter parker your assistant" she says peter smiles and says "hi it's nice to meet you and I know pepper didn't tell you about having an assistant" he says with a glare towards pepper that makes her put he hands up "sorry" she says slowly "why would we need an assistant" tony asks "well i think it would help with the media and why not" she says with a shrug "ok thank you pepper" steve says "no prob but I gotta go I have a meeting" she says handing peter some files of their schedule "good luck" she says as the elevator doors close. they all sit awkwardly until peter speaks "so I'm gonna go over you guy's schedule okay" they nod and he starts telling them their schedule. once he's done they ask him about himself "well I'm 22 a junior in college working on my masters my parents are dead so are my aunt and uncle ive been alone since I was 10 years old and im your assisant as of now" he says with a smile they all frown "are you okay your life seems sad" clint says "it is but im fine" he says with a another smile that makes the male avengers blush but natasha and wanda grin at eachother.

(3rd person pov) That's what the past month has been like and the male avengers all have a crush on peter while peter thinks there nice but that's it. as peter gets in the elevator to go home tony stop him "Pete wait" tony calls after him "yeah tony" peter says turning towards him where the avengers are blushing madly "w-well we were wondering if you would go to dinner with us tomorrow" tony asks blushing "sure what time" peter asks "8:30" tony says "k see you tomorrow he says as he gets in the elevator "bye peter they say at once as the elevator doors close.

{get ready for the next two chapters later today}

The Love They Give   -avengers x Peter ParkerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora