See you now pt.2

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Peter was dreading tonight, he had decided to go to dinner with the Avengers and after debating on a place to go he decided he would cook for them, He was really nervous about them seeing his apartment as it was covered in Avengers memorabilia , Natasha and Wanda invited him to brunch to talk about his Feelings and take the worry off his mind even for a little bit. He was currently getting ready for brunch when his phone rang, he picked it up and answered ''Hello?" "hi, this is Steve, just wondering if we're still on for tonight?" " Oh! Hey Steve, Yeah, still on for tonight!" Peter said " Great, see you tonight!" steve said with enthusiasm "Yea see you tonight, bye!'' Peter said, hanging up and putting his phone on his dresser and finished getting ready. He put on his shoes, got his wallet and headed to his car.

When he made it to the little cafe Natahsa had sent him he was instantly captivated, it had so many plants and looked like a garden. His mouth was agape when a person tapped on his shoulder he jumped before turning around and seeing Wanda with a smile on her face. "Do you like it Pete?'' She said with humor in her voice. "I love it!" Peter said looking like a puppy. They walked inside where Natasha was sitting down at a table. Wanda went over to her, gave her a kiss and sat down while Peter was enjoying the scenery. Wanda and Natasha looked at each other and then at Peter fondly, they loved seeing him so happy.

Peter finally sat down and began to tell the women all of his worries about the dinner and he received advice from them, as usual. "Pete, you don't have to worry about the food, I'm sure they would like anything if you were making it" Natasha said with a chuckle. " I don't know you guys, I feel like I'm gonna mess up dinner. Peter said with a sad face "Pete please stop worrying about the dinner" Wanda said with a comforting smile "I'm sure they'll like it and you'll do great" he smiled back at her. "Thanks, guys, you know I always worry about hosting things, especially dinners, " he said with a chuckle. "Yea, we know Pete but there's nothing to worry about you're a great cook" Natasha said.

"Oh! How are you guys doing, with the new pet and everything" Peter said enthusiastically. "It's going really well, Pete! We named her ginger" Wanda said with a smile. "That's great, I've been thinking about getting a dog," Peter said. "You should, you've been kind of lonely" Natasha said "Hey! I have not" Peter said with a pout. "She's right Pete, it would be good to get a pet'' Wanda said with a shrug. Peter's shoulders sagged "yeah, you guys are right' Peter said with a small smile. They talked for a while after that about work and Natasha and Wanda's new pet cat. "It was really nice seeing you guys, this place is amazing'' Peter said as they were walking out of the cafe. "Yeah it was, we have to get going but we'll call you later, before dinner. Natasha said with a smile, her arm curling around Wanda's waist as they waved at Peter walking to their car. Peter waved back and headed to his car.

He drove back to his apartment to take inventory of the groceries he had, and needed. He got home, took inventory and then headed to the grocery store. He was browsing through the pasta section when he bumped into a strong chest, he backed away quickly and looked up to apologize, when he saw Bucky fucking barnes, he rolled his eyes while bucky gained his composure and smiled. "Sorry Buck" he said, trying to move past him, but Bucky grabbed his arm and bent down to whisper in his ear "You can bump into me any time" he said with a husky voice. Peter ripped his arm away stalking down the aisle with an uncomfortable face expression.  

By the time Peter was home he had shaken off the weird interaction and decided to give Wade a call about an arms deal they had talked about the night before. Peter had ended the call early realizing it was five o'clock and the dinner started at eight o'clock, he began to cook the food and before he knew it, it was six forty-five. Natasha and Wanda had called him to talk and see what he had cooked; they had complimented him on his Orecchiette.

After the call he took a shower and put on a light blue sweater with ripped jeans and some Black Vans. he set the table and waited for fifteen minutes before he heard his doorbell ring. He walked to his door and opened it seeing all the male avengers in fancy ish clothing, instantly making Peter feel underdressed then he remembered he was in his own apartment. He side-stepped to let the avengers through the door, his phone buzzed seeing a text from Natahsa wishing him good luck, he smiled and then closed the door once the avengers filed through the door into his apartment. "Hey guys, you can go ahead to sit at the table," Peter said with a smile.

They all sat down, some of the avengers seeing pictures of them on his wall. They started eating in silence when Clint spoke, "So Pete, what's with the pics?" Clint asks with a chuckle
"Oh nothing, I just like the Avengers, '' Peter says with a smirk, making some of them choke slightly on their food. "Anyways, what have you been up to pete?'' Vision said with a smile "nothing much, just doing some social media things for you guys, been going on some dates but nothing too wild" Peter said with a chuckle.

They all tensed at the word dates but continued to smile "what have you guys been up to? Hopefully not getting in trouble'' Peter said with a smirk. " We've just been doing alot of photoshoots and had some crazy missions, but no trouble'' Tony said with a chuckle. "Yeah we were actually thinking of taking a little vacation while we're here and to see if we can find spiderman. Since we have had some sightings of him here lately" Steve said ''we also want to see you more'' but that went unsaid because they all knew. "Yeah, we thought it'd be a good idea to take a break and recruit somebody along the way'' Sam said with a smile. "That sounds like a good plan'' Peter said, smiling.

They talked for a while more and shared stories, for the past few months. The Avengers tensed every time Peter brought up a kiss with the people he went on dates with but they had a very good time all the same. At the end of night Peter was loading the dishwasher while talking to Bucky and Steve about the 40's.

When he was done they all walked to his door. "We really had a good time Pete, the food was amazing, thank you for having us over'' Bruce said with a smile while all the Avengers smiled at Peter nodding. "Thanks, me too, " Peter said appreciatively. They all hugged and said their goodbyes and the Avengers headed to their hotel. All the male avengers went to sleep with a smile on their faces unbeknownst to them, so did Peter.

The Love They Give   -avengers x Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now