Chapter One Tracking

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My shoulder ached as I followed behind Legolas and Aragorn. At least Gimli struggled more behind me with his shorter legs... I had cut my hair a while back. I was tired of it getting in the way during fighting and traveling. Hopefully my ada wouldn't be too mad about that whenever he would see me next...
We had a difficult time trying to figure out where they were taking Merry and Pippin. Aragorn was the expert tracker out of us all as he led the way. I wish we had horses.  I winced as my shoulder panged. I tried not to let out a gasp of pain as Legolas turned to me.
"Are you alright?" He asked. Gandalf's dead, Boromir died, and were trying to find Merry and Pippin. I could have seen Frodo for the last time alive...
I put on a fake smile.
"Spectacular," I said through gritted teeth. He frowned and turned toward Aragorn.
"We need to slow down Aragorn," he said as the heir of Gondor turned to us.
"Finally," Gimli huffed as he caught up to us.
"This place will be crawling with orcs soon! We must make haste," he spat.
"In case you haven't noticed, she's injured," Legolas retorted. Aragorn spun around to him.
"That is why we must make haste! They have caught our scent. We cannot go slower," he said. Aragorn turned away from us and continued his pace.
"That's it. I'm spitting in his dinner later," I muttered as I followed and Gimli chuckled. I think Legolas seemed amused before he continued walking.

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