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Two years later

"Kid, why do you look so worried?" Rossi had noticed Spencer tapping his leg. He was
practically shaking the entire jet.

"I'm not," but Spencer's voice gave him away. He anxiously looked at his phone. But there was nothing new.

"Spence, there is obviously something on your mind," JJ nudged him.

Spencer frowned. "I haven't heard from Y/n. She went to China for an excavation. She normally would call but... she hasn't..."

The other laughed.

"You do this every time Reid," Matt chuckled.

"I thought after all this time you would have gotten less nervous." Luke speculated.

Spencer ignored them and stared at the picture of Y/n that he kept in his wallet.

When he arrived back at the BAU, he drowned himself paperwork, until he saw the voicemail light on his phone.

He pressed the phone to his ear.

"Hey Spence, I tried to call your phone, but it wasn't connecting. Things are crazy here because of the protests. I don't know what's going on. But our flight has been delayed. I'm not sure when I'll be back. I'll call you when I can." She sounded tired.

Spencer waited all day at the office for her to call. She didn't.

He sat in his apartment waiting for her to call all night when he got home. But there was nothing.

The next day, as soon as he arrives at the BAU he bee-lined for Penelope's office trying to get any information he could. What he heard was not hopeful.

"Reid, there is a lot going on there at the moment. Most flights are grounded. They are having signal blackouts." Penelope sympathetically hugged Spencer.

He grimaced and slumped at his desk, rummaging through the stack of files that had accumulated on his desk since the start of the workday.

Once again, he stumbled into his apartment. He knew he would spend the night waiting.

It wasn't until the middle of the night, when his eyes had betrayed him and closed that his phone pinged.

He scrambled to catch it as it tumbled to the ground.

The message was from who he hoped it was from.


I really hope you are sleeping.

We manged to get a flight out.

I just landed.

Sleep well xxx

Spencer jumped to his feet and bolted out of his apartment.

He drove to Y/n's apartment. He knew that she would stay there for the night if she had just flown in before heading to her dad's house. He sat on the floor outside the door, waiting for her to get home.

"Spencer?" Y/n shook Spencer's shoulder. "Why are you sleeping outside the door?"

"You messaged," he grumbled.

She crouched down beside him and cupped his cheek. "Yeah, but that didn't mean you had to sacrifice your sleep to come here."

Spencer held Y/n's cheek. "I wanted to see you."

He leaned forward kissed her.

"You want to come inside," Y/n giggled into his kiss.

"Hmmm," Spencer rubbed his thumb in a circle on Y/n cheek.

Y/n stood up and helped Spencer to his feet. "You look tired." Y/n ran her fingers over Spencer's eyes. Spencer smiled and helped Y/n lug her bags into her apartment. She stopped him from trying to help her organise her things. "Sleep," she softly whispered to him and led him to the bed, pulling the covers open for him.

Spencer obliged and nestled into the pillows, Y/n scent on the pillow engulfing him.

He didn't think her had fallen asleep, but he had. Even if it was only for a short time. He rolled over expecting to feel Y/n's soft skin and the warmth of her body, but instead his hand dropped onto the cold sheets.

He sat up and looked around the room. There was no sign of Y/n. He shuffled out of her bedroom and into the living room.

A gentle breeze made the curtains waft in the wind.

"What are you doing out here?" He sighed when he saw Y/n leaning against the balcony.

She turned and saw Spencer rubbing his eyes as he adjusted to the light.

"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" She joked.

Spencer walked to her and wrapped his arms around her. "What are you looking at?" He looked out onto D.C in the dark.

"The past," she whispered.

"Hmmm." Spencer moved his mouth closer to her ear. "What about the future?"

Y/n laughed. "If someone could see the future, they would be making an incredible fortune."

Spencer pulled back. "I know mine."

"Really?" she quipped. "Go on then, what is it?"

Spencer spun her around and pressed his chest against hers, looking into her eyes. "You."

Y/n blushed and averted her gaze.

Spencer lifted her chin. "How would you feel if I asked you to marry me now?" Spencer lifted up the ring box that he had secretly slipped out of his pocket and held it up for Y/n to see it.

Y/n looked at the box and pressed her lips together. "I would... feel good about it."

A smile spread on Spencer's face and he threaded the ring on to Y/n finger.


"Hmmmm," he looked up from the ring he was admiring on Y/n's hand.

"I love you."





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