ix Orangery

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Soon enough the sun was shining through the window, waking up Spencer from his slumber. He rubbed his eyes and sighed getting off the couch. He plodded into his room removing his jacket. As he draped it on the bedframe her heard a clatter. He looked down and saw the chain that had fallen from his pocket. He crouched down, picking it up. Spencer was going to call Penelope but then realised that it would be too early for her yet. He needed a new plan.

He placed the necklace on his nightstand and hopped into the shower, washing away the stress from the night before.

He got ready for the day. He had gotten so used to functioning on hardly any sleep that the few hours he had gotten were a luxury. He felt like he was full of energy. But he still wanted a coffee.

So, he indulged himself. He waddled over to his favourite coffee shop. It was while he was in the line there that he felt like the chain was burning a hole in his pocket. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialling the BAU. "Hi... Anderson. Did someone take Y/f/n Y/l/n's information?"

"Yes," Anderson replied.

"I...er... actually need to return something of hers. Could you send me her address?"

"Yes, of course Dr Reid."

"Thanks Anderson."

Spencer waited for his coffee and for Anderson's text. He decided that it would be better if he waited until the evening. She may not even be home. Really, he was just putting it off.

Just then his phone chimed.

"Dr Reid."

"Reid, it's Hotch."

Spencer looked at his phone. "Oh... hey Hotch. Do we have a case?"

"No. I was just checking in. We have paperwork day the tomorrow but if you need time off, just let me know."

Spencer frowned. He appreciated the gesture but hated being coddled. "Oh... I'm fine. I'll be in tomorrow. I was actually headed to the Smithsonian." Spencer excused himself.

Since he had made the excuse, he thought that he may as well follow through. That's how he found himself strolling through the Smithsonian museum just before closing time.

"Dr Reid," someone called out to him.

Spencer spun around on his heels. A man excused himself from his from his group.

"Thomas," Spencer stopped in his spot.

"What a coincidence. I was going to email you today." Thomas smiles at other museum patrons, as they pass.

"Really? What for?"

"We have a new exhibit. We know you like to hear when something new is coming."

Spencer nodded. "When can I see it..."

Thomas laughed. "Don't worry you are the top of the list. We are just awaiting some final deliveries and evaluations." Thomas's eyes slid over Spencer and towards the entrance. "Speaking of which, I think we might just have one less evaluation to wait for. It was great to see you again. I will email you when we are ready for an exhibition preview." Thomas weaved past Spencer.

"Okay, thanks..." Spencer trailed off. He saw a familiar face being escorted by security. "Are you getting Y/f/n Y/l/n to appraise your exhibit.?"

Thomas turned back around. "Yes, we contract her from time to time. When she is available. Do you know her?"

"Something like that," Spencer speculated.

"Well, come on over. She had been evaluating the Hope Diamond for us. She is the only one we could trust with over $200 million in one box. You can get a sneak peek."

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