xiii Red Light - Show me

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Spencer jumped out his seat in defeat. In the observation room, he ran his hands through his hair. "What are we going to do, JJ?"

JJ sighed. "Spence, you already know." JJ patted Spencer on his back. "Spence?"


"She is already here?"

Spencer's eyes widened. "WHAT?... How?" He stuttered.

"Apparently they needed an expert to be in the room when they were interviewing an art forger who was part of a heist gone wrong. She's in the building Spence."

"I can't ask her to do this," Spencer glowered at Cat through the glass, knowing that she orchestrated this.

"You can and you have to Spencer." JJ told him. "Cat is playing a game and somehow Y/n is part of it. You can't avoid it. Cat will find a way to involve Y/n even if you don't bring her here. At least this way it's a controlled environment and you'll be right there next to her."

Spencer nodded glumly.

"You go in. I'll get her. And I hate to say it, but I agree with Cat. Y/n won't say no."

JJ returned ten minutes later with an anxious and mildly informed Y/N. "Spencer didn't want us to ask you to do this, but we really need it." JJ justified again.

Y/n deeply exhaled. "What does she want?" Y/n's breath hitched.

"Isn't that the question," JJ scoffed.

"Why does she want me here?" Y/n licked her lips. She shuddered. Y/n knew that nobody, but Cat knew the answer to that. "So, how is this going to work exactly?" Y/n's hands were pulled into a fist.

"If you're having second thoughts, that's absolutely fine Y/n."

"No...no. I'll do it if it will help Dr Reid's mom. I just don't want to mess anything up."

"You won't. Let Spence handle everything. Play along and follow his lead." JJ held onto the door handle. "You ready."

"Sure." Y/n's voice was shaky. She made sure her shirt was tucked into her trousers and straightened her blazer.

JJ opened the door and held it open for Y/n.

Y/n stepped inside, hesitantly.

The smile on Cat's face grew. "Y/n," she shrieked. She jumped her from her seat. "So glad you could make it." She threw her arms around Y/n. "Wow, you smell like oranges." Cat inhaled Y/n's scent. "Did you know that Spencie? You want to smell?" Cat offered.

"Get off her Cat," Spencer snarled.

"Ooo, a bit touchy aren't we. I'm just trying to play happy families."

"What? Cat, if you want to play sit down." Spencer impatient huffed. He stood up and pulled out a chair for Y/n. Y/n untangled herself from Cat and sat beside Spencer. He gave her a friendly smile to comfort her.

"Fine," Cat sighed and slumped into her chair. "How have you been Y/n. Seen Spencer lately?"

Y/n frowned. "N... No."

"Shame," Cat pursed her lips. "I think Spencie would have wanted to. And that quality time definitely would have made things easier."

"Made what easier?" Spencer spat back.

"Only time will tell. Luckily for you, you only have to wait six months." Cat cackled.

Spencer glared at Cat. Her subliminal messages were giving him a headache. "Let's pretend you're telling the truth. That means I guessed it, right? The secret, the one I don't want to admit to? It's my child?"

Games | A Spencer Reid StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora