xii Red light - Bring her

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"I know what the secret is." Spencer speculated.

"You do?" Cat fidgeted with Spencer watch, unconvinced by his proclamation.

"Why else would you put me through all this?"

"Ooh. Phrasing it in the form of a question. That way it doesn't count as a guess. Very smart, doctor."

Spencer leaned in. "I'm gonna walk you through a scenario and your face is gonna tell me how close I am...From the moment I arrested you, you watched and waited for the right time to take your revenge. When you learned, I was going to Mexico, you took it. You and Lindsey framed me for murder so I'd be put in prison and treated like a criminal, and then you kidnapped my mother so I would know how it feels to have a parent manipulated, because you want to prove that you and I are the same. Am I right?"

Cat yawned. "Mm. Sorry, I couldn't hold that in any longer. What were you saying?"

"Psychopaths get bored easily."

"You're right. Let's speed this up." Cat got up from her seat. "Shall we?" She walked around the table to Spencer and sat in his lap. "Why don't you think about all the pain you've suffered in your life. What would I capitalize on, do you think? Is it the death of your mentor, SSA Jason Gideon?" She run her fingers from his chest to his face, tracing his lips.

Spencer cringed away from her physical contact. "No. Because we caught the man who killed him." Spencer wanted to shut her down quickly.

"What about Agent Morgan? And your guilt over not visiting his little boy." Cat inched her face closer to Spencer's

"I was in prison," Spencer justified.

"Yeah, but you had time before that. Why didn't you go?" Cat draped her arms around his neck.

"Truthfully, I got distracted. I was trying to figure out a way to help my mom. She didn't have time. Morgan, Savannah, and little Bobby did. So, there's absolutely no shame in admitting that. Morgan would understand." Spencer tried to ignore Cat's breaths on his neck and ear.

"I agree. That's why that's not the secret." Cat whispered in his ear. She got off his legs and back to her seat.

"Good job, Spence." JJ silently applauded from the observation room. She produced her phone and called Rossi. "So, Cat has deep background on Spence. She knew about Gideon death and Morgan leaving the team for his family."

"She's throwing him off-balance." Rossi stated.

"Yeah, but Spence also purposely gave the wrong name of Morgan's son, and she didn't correct him."

"She must have gotten her hands on Reid's confidential FBI file. It would mention relevant team information but wouldn't name Morgan's baby because of confidentiality reasons." Emily sighed in disbelief.

"We were thinking she's been getting help from someone inside the prison. This goes deeper than that." Rossi was baffled too.

"That's all for now. I'll call you if Spence figures anything else out." JJ ended the call.

Spencer rubbed his upper lip with his knuckle. "Working deductively, the secret wouldn't be any of the topics you've already volunteered, because you wouldn't want to make it that easy on me."

"Genius, truly." Cat continued to toy with Spencer watch.

"So, what is left that I wouldn't want to admit?" Spencer pondered out loud. He zoned in on Cat, trying to decipher her expression. "Love," he suggested after a long think. Cat stopped twisting his watch strap around her fingers. Spencer pounced at the opportunity. "Is that what this is all about, love? ...For my mother?" Cat remained stagnant. "No...For you. You want me to admit that I am actually in love with you." Spencer flinched at the thought.

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