i. Entropy- First encounter

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Just before we start. If you would like, send me a message on my instagram. I love to chat about books, movies, music or whatever. I love little emotional support community. No pressure though.


Spencer paused briefly in front of Harry and Glenn's Grill and Bar once he stepped out of the taxi. He buttoned his suit jacket, sucking in the cool evening breeze. He scanned the perimeter of the building, ominously. He had been working towards this meeting for months. Tracking down Cat had been difficult. Harder still contacting her. Keeping her interested had been the hardest part. It was finally time for him bait her.

As he strode towards the restaurant, just to the left of the door he saw a little girl trip over her feet, while the girl's parents argued. She was wearing her shoes on the wrong feet. Spencer stepped forward to help but was beat to the kind act. Y/n, who was passing by crouched beside the little girl, lifting her to her feet. "Up you get, sweetheart," she cooed. She brushed the dust of the girls' knees.

"Sorry," the girl mumbled as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Oh no, honey. You don't have to be sorry. I fall over all the time. That's why I'm wearing trousers, so you can't see the cuts." Y/n joked. "You know what will help though." She pointed to the girl's feet. "If we put our shoes on the correct feet." Y/n helped the girl put her shoes on right. "What's your name?" She asked to distract the girl.


"And is that your mommy and daddy." Y/n pointed to the arguing couple.

Ella nodded.

Y/n nodded in confirmation and then tapped Ella's nose with her index finger. "All done," she confirmed.

By this time the little girl's parents had finally decided to pay attention to their daughter. "Sorry, she is a clumsy child," they apologized to Y/n.

Y/n frowned and shook her head. "No, not at all, she is so sweet. She is just a child. Anyway, I better get going." Y/n turned back to the little girl. "Lovely to meet you Ella," Y/n smiled at Ella, giving her a gentle wave.

Spencer focused his attention back to why he was here. Extending his hand, Spencer pulled open the restaurant door. The sound of happy customers and light instrumental music flooded out through the door. He heard footsteps behind him. Spencer glanced to the side, seeing two strappy stiletto clad feet. He held the door open with his right arm, gesturing with his left for Y/n to enter.

"Oh, thank you," Y/n smiled back at him. Her hair lightly wafted in the wind as she walked into the restaurant before him and up to the host's station. The scent of vanilla and orange drifted from her, as she slipped past him.

Spencer scuttled in behind her. All he could think about was her voice. It was different. Something about it drew him in. "Y/n," he thought to himself. He had almost hoped this was the 'Cat' he was here to see, just so that he could hear her talk. He didn't expect for his fake date to be so friendly with staff and invite him to somewhere that she had connections.

"Y/n, how are you this evening?" The host's mood lifted immediately, and he placed his pen down on the counter.

"I'm good David. I'm good." She began slipping her coat off her shoulders. "How have you been?"

"Ah, you know. Just plodding along," the host joked. "And you?"

She laughed. "I've been here and there," she deliberated. "Wherever history takes me I suppose." Y/n's laugh was intoxicating. Not too loud. Not too quiet. Not too fake. Not too self-obsessed.

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