34- The end

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Dylan's P.O.V.

I was sitting in Big Joe's bar, drinking; A lot. It's been two months since Natalie got her new identity and new location. No amount of alcohol was taking away the pain in my chest that was slowly killing me.

I raised my hand to the bartender, letting him know I was ready for my next drink as I swallowed the last gulp.

"Is this seat taken?" I heard a voice ask.

Aaron Hale.

"Nope," I watched him as he sat down in front of me. "What can I do for you Mr. Hale?"

"You do realize no amount of alcohol will bring her back, right? Trust me, I went through this too when I lost my wife all those years ago."

I looked him in the eyes, "I don't know what else to do." I admitted.

"You love her, don't you?" He asked.

I nodded as the bartender brought over my drink.

"He's done, bring me his tab."

"What is it that you want Aaron, I'm not done here yet."

"You just told me you loved her, you need to sober up for this. I'm here because I like Natalie. I don't know if she told you but she saved my life and I will be grateful until the day I die for that. She loves you too, so I guess the rest of this is up to you."

He slid over a small envelope to me. I looked at him puzzled as I grabbed the envelope.

"There's a passport, new drivers license and everything else you need; including her location if you choose her."

"What? Why are you doing this for me?"

"I'm doing this more for her, she reminds me of my daughter and I have a soft spot for both of them. Plus I'm bored in retirement so why not play matchmaker?"

I stared at him for a moment, "Is it crazy the way I feel about her after this short amount of time? I mean, what if we don't work out?"

"Then I kill you and she moves on. The end." He said, chuckling. "I don't doubt for one second you guys won't make it, that's why I'm doing this. A love like yours is rare, once in a lifetime and I watched as you both said goodbye to each other. I'm the only one that knows where she is and it will stay that way if you decide this isn't what you want."

"I want her! I don't even have to think about it, I was fucking stupid to let her go in the first place." I stumbled as I got up.

"Good choice, I suggest you sleep it off and then pack, you leave in two days." He paid the bill and got up. "Oh and I want an invite to the wedding!"

Annie's (Natalie) P.O.V.

Zoe and I have settled in nicely in our new home and quiet little neighborhood. Michael and Elisha per my papers from Aaron have legally adopted me as their child, giving me their last name.

Michael and Elisha lived with us the first month we moved to Switzerland but decided to give Zoe and I our space to reconnect. They bought a smaller house just down the road from us, which is nice having them so close still.

I was so happy here with Zoe, Michael and Elisha. This is what I wanted but I couldn't help but think of Dylan and what he was doing. I couldn't get him out of my head no matter how hard I tried to.

Zoe and I just got back from the park. Washing up, I made her lunch and laid her down for a nap when there was a knock on the door.

Cody just sat there, wagging his tail. "Well that's weird. The only time you don't bark is when..." I paused, then got a big smile on my face. "It couldn't be..."

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