33- Goodbye

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Natalie's P.O.V.

It was still dark, which scared me. Was I dead? Had John killed me?

I heard whispers in the distance but I was unable to hear what was being said as I tried opening my eyes.

I felt someone rubbing my arm, begging me to wake up.


I moaned, trying to talk but my mouth was so dry.

"Sofia.... She's walking up." I heard Dylan yell. "Open your eyes for me Red, please? I need to see those beautiful green eyes of yours."

My eyes fluttered open, "Hi." I whispered.

Dylan smiled, laughing a little. "Oh my God, you have no idea how happy I am that you're awake."

"How long was I out?" I asked in a groggy voice.

"Two days. How are you feeling?"

"Like shit. My side is killing me."

"Here's some water Natalie." Sofia raised the bed up, putting the straw in my mouth so I could drink.

"Mmm, thank you."

I rested my head back on the pillow. Looking down, I noticed the IVs that I was hooked up to.

"Those fluids are helping you recover faster and I'm able to give you pain medication that way too. Do you need some right now?" Sofia asked.

"Yes, my side really hurts."

"Okay, I'll get you some more. Your stab wound was really deep, he did a lot of damage but our doctor was able to get in there and fix it up nicely. You have some stitches but everything is looking good with how deep it was, you might have some discomfort for a while though. The doctor recommended taking it easy for the next few months, no heavy lifting and you should be as good as new."

Dylan helped reposition me so I was more comfortable on the bed.

I watched as Sofia messed with my IVs. "I'm adding more pain meds now and then we'll see how you're doing, maybe get you up and into a warm shower. I got you cleaned up and changed but nothing beats a warm shower."

I nodded, "Thank you guys."

"It's no problem, we're all just glad that you're okay." Sofia said, giving me a warm smile.

"Are the rest of the girls okay?" I asked, turning towards Dylan.

"Captain Grey got them to the hospital. One other girl died but the rest will be alright. Also..." Dylan paused for a moment. "With everything that happened, Grey with the instructions of Aaron had you killed also that night on the cliff. They're calling it a murder suicide."

I got tears in my eyes, whispering, "I'm free." I looked up and started panicking, "Oh my God, I need to call Michael!"

"That won't be necessary sweetheart." Michael said, walking in with a big smile on his face with Aaron following.

Michael turned around, "Elisha, she's awake. You can bring her in.

Elisha and Zoe came through the door.


I got tears in my eyes as Zoe came running up to me with a big smile on her face, "Mommy!"

Michael gently set her down on the bed, "Remember, Mommy's side hurts."

Zoe knelt down on the bed, wrapping her arms around my neck. My arms went around her tiny little waist. "Oh my gosh baby girl, I've missed you so much!"

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