32- Death

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Natalie's P.O.V.

All of a sudden I heard an explosion coming from behind me and guns going off, knowing full well it was Dylan and the guys coming in. I made a fist, winding up I hit John as hard as I could in the face before taking off to hide like Dylan and Aaron both instructed me to do.

Ray quickly grabbed me, flipping over the metal table and put me behind it. "Here." He handed me a gun, "Stay down and stay low. Got it?"

I shook my head, dropping behind the table.
Praying Dylan and the rest of the guys were okay as I covered my ears and knelt down further.

I'm not sure how long I was tucked behind that table but I was suddenly grabbed and pulled up by a pair of strong hands. I was about to aim my gun to shoot when I noticed it was Dylan as he got behind the table with me.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I said, grabbing onto his hand.

"I'm glad you're okay too, baby! Listen to me..." he gave me a serious look. "You need to get out of here. Aaron has a car waiting for you, let him take care of the rest of this. You did good!"

"But what about all those girls?"

"We will take care of them and make sure they're safe. Grey's here too, please... just get out of here. I'll come back with Derek, go so I know you're safe."

"Okay. Please, be careful."

"Always! He gently grabbed a hold of my face, kissing me. "I love you!"

"I love you too."

"Come on." Dylan helped me up, shooting John's men as he got me out the door. The sky was getting darker as low rumbles of thunder in the distance warned me a storm was coming. Dylan helped me into the vehicle with a few other guys, giving me one more kiss before shutting the door and headed back into that barn.

I recognized these guys as some of Derek's men. The driver put it in reverse and started taking off. Placing the gun in my lap, buckling up and sitting back, taking a few deep breaths trying to calm my shaking nerves. Moments later I felt the vehicle shake and our SUV flipping over. 

Thunder roared, as I laid upside down. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I fell, laying there in a daze, my ears ringing and everything sounded muffled. My arm was being pulled by one of Derek's men, trying to get me out of the car.

I fought through the pain, crawling towards him and out of the vehicle that I now noticed was on fire. Helping me up off the ground, I stood there for a moment watching as the shadow I saw came closer.

Lighting stuck, lighting up the night sky. I started screaming to warn the guys as I saw it was John stalking towards us, madder than I've ever seen him before. I was looking for my gun that Ray had given me but I must have dropped it when I was in the car. John shot the guy that helped me out and every other guard I was with.

John grabbed me roughly on the back of my neck, placing his gun to my side. "Walk!" He hissed.

"You're hurting me, John. Stop!"

He started laughing coldly, "You're lucky I don't put a bullet in you right now... walk!"

I was in too much pain to fight right now and win. It started heavily raining now, making it slick. We were walking for a while, I was trying to remember which way we went but I was so turned around and I didn't know where we were headed.

My one foot slipped, making me fall. "John, I can't walk that fast." I tried pleading with him, but it just made him more angry.

He leaned down, grabbing a fist full of my hair, pulling back so I was looking at him.
"Are you fucking Cyrus?"

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