Chapter 13

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Scarlet was powerful... Beyond his knowledge and instinctive grasp.
He is not just an Heir to a throne, he was the courier of all supernatural abilities as long as the Myagra dimensions were concerned.

Back at Myagra

"All hail King Kall"
Everyone seated in the courtroom bounced on their feet's with heads slightly bowed.
No one dared look at the king straight to his face while he entered the court.

The firmly built Highness climbed his devil-palmed throne as he readjusted his regalia and slumped into it.
He had worry and anger smerred all over his face.

"What news do you have for me imps?!"
He thundered as he gave the three short long eared creatures a devil stare.

"It better be good news or..."

"The Prince has  discovered the banished guardian of Familiar beasts and he has its DNA's in his blood streams."
The first one who looked smaller than the rest started

"As we speak your Royal exquisiteness, he has called to life the five age longed beast for the five-stone alter warriors."

"What!!!!...How was that even possible?"
The king thundered as he got up from his throne and paced.
"I gave clear and strict orders for that miserable bitch to be thrown out to the was he able to find her?"

" is Micah"

"Of  course. So he decided to  ditch his duty post to go about treacherous business.
Get me Laurel, I know she's the brain behind all this"

"Your Majesty" One of the council members spoke up. He stood with his head still bowed until the king gestured him to look up.
"It is clear that the Prince has accomplished one out of the three prophecies... This spells doom upon your reign.
But shouldn't we be more concerned on trapping him than wasting our time on the Queen's hand maid?"

"What do you imply Darius?"

"Your Majesty, I say we enforce a trap to draw the Prince into out territory"

And with that, Kall had his mind made up.
Instead of going after Laurel and getting Scarlet on alert about his chase, he planned to use an old trick of his.

With that , The mystical shape shifter of Baylon was sent to go trap the Prince and bring him before the court by sunset the next day.

Wadwell High... Biology lab

Everyone sat at different chairs in the isolated classroom.
All students had left the school grounds as the group met .
Throughout school hours, none of them could concentrate on anything the teachers said, their minds were set on their little familiars...worst of all was that they little creatures were in their various backpacks.
All except for Scarlet who didn't have a familiar as he was as  confused as confusion itself.
Why do I not have one? Wtf is wrong ?
The ignorant lad had asked and re-asked himself.

Finally at the Lab with all the privacy they need, they cuddled their respective animals as they eyed Scarlet knowingly.

"There is something you all need to know"
Micah and Sir Aman spoke up simultaneously.
Everyone's attention was drawn from their animals to the two men standing.
Scarlet looked up from his palms with an expressionless demeanor.

"Tonight, the five of you need to complete your celestial obligations under the Hermonica full moon. As you all know, your  ages and time of birth corresponds"

"What Micah is trying to say guys, is that tonight, your body,mind and spirit alongside your familiars will be binded."

"And may I add, news getting to me from Laurels spy at Myagra says that we have less than thirty days to prepare for Kalls attack and set up." Micah who was now looking as serious as he could ever be pointed out.

SCARLETOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz