Chapter 7

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Narrator's POV

By the time Sir Aman was done with the story, every single one of this teenagers were too stunned to say a word.

In Jackson's mind, the story was too scary.

In Luna's mind, it was just a folktale.

In Alexa's mind, she understood nothing.

In Luke's mind, he was just a jealous freak.

Scarlet pondered over each and every single word that he heard.
Finally, it dawned on him.

His life had been a lie all along.
His so called mom had kept the secret of his origin for so long that he began to comment her for being such a nice liar.
His mom was locked up in some dungeon by the monster who is supposedly his birth father.

Finally tired of waiting for them to say something, Sir Aman lifted up his hands and snapped his fingers.

"Are you students going to sit there all day and say nothing, or are you going to ask questions and embrace your destiny's."

The last part of his words sunk into their heads that they finally realized the essence of they all being here.
It wasn't a coincidence after all, this was fate.

"Sir, if you are about to say that we have a mission of riding Myagranatis of it's King and restoring peace, then this is really going to sound like a folktale where we are the super heroes"

Luna stood, as she said her mind.
She had read many stories and seen a whole bunch of fantasy fictioned movies, but she never imagined in her whole life finding herself in between the act.
Not until she discovered her powers back at primary school where she almost flooded and drowned the whole school simply because a girl at the back called her an ugly piece of thrash.
She had ran out of class, to the school toilet.

Standing at the mirror, she remembered each and every single word and name they had called her.
Before she knew it, the taps were running uncontrollably, water was seeping from the roof.
Then to her greatest dismay, floods of water sprang from her palms.

Looking back at that incident that day, she could never believe she was hearing all this about being a Myagra.

Finally, Scarlet got up from his seat with rage written all over his face.

"So all my life!My mom hid this truth from me!"

He yelled as he hit his hand on the iron desk, which heated up and melted like wax.

"Scarlet you need to calm down. You can't be like this, or you'll end up regretting your actions."

Jackson reached out to touch him as the words fell from his lips.
But his words were like water poured on a rock.


Jackson yelped as he retrieved his blistered hands from Scarlet's shoulders.

"He's heating up!"
Alexa screamed in fear, as everyone stared at Scarlet who was ripping off his clothes with fire but wasn't burnt.

"Y'all step aside, Luna please"

Sir Aman asked with his eyes still fixed on the burning boy.
Luna stepped in front of Scarlet as he tightened her palms and shut her eyes.
Slowly, the atmosphere inside the library was like it was going to rain kittens.
In an instant, tides of clear water landed on Scarlet's body and the once burning boy was now soaked in cold ocean water.
"You can't keep on losing your temper like that young man. If you can't control as little as your temper, then you can't control the magnitude of your powers"

The older man addressed after they hand cleaned up.

"Now to the issue at hand, first things first...we need to find Laurel"

With that being said, Sir Aman set out his right  wrist as balls of air zapped through it, revealing a black mysterious watch.

"Whose in for some teleporting"

Authors Note:
Am so sorry this chapter came so late, I've been busy with work and reading for my exams.
But I'll try to update at least 1 chapter everyday.

Please vote and comment as you read, they mean a lot to me.

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