Chapter 4

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Everyone stood up in the music room,the awe and awkward atmosphere was lit.
Standing at the door were two hot looking dudes who looked as confused,
and then the rude and sassy fair lady who just pushed her way through Scarlet and Jackson.
And then Alexa, who had her violin In her hands and stared at one knew what to do next and Mr Max was too frustrated to reason.

Finally, Jackson and Scarlet moved from the door and stood at the farther end of the class.

"Well well well, look who we have here. If not Jackson Taghe"

Everyone's attention trailed to the voice coming from the class door.
Leaning at the door with his legs crossed and his arms folded, was a blonde boy whose look was way to mesmerizing for a guy.

"Okay I presume everyone here is in for Music class, so everyone settle down"

Mr Max finally spoke regaining his composure.
Everyone took their seats while the orchestra took seats in front of their various instruments.

"Now we need to set our motion, can I get seven volunteers please"

Everyone began to murmur as it was a normal thing to object or remain nonchalant until the teacher pointed

"Why are we volunteering Max"

A boy seated across the orchestra asked, with so much disrespect in his tone.

"Now watch your tone Mr Fred. Well I would like volunteers to stand up, let's run Do-Re-Mi from sounds of music"

The whole class began to chatter as it was a very known chant.

"I volunteer sir"
It was the guy from earlier.
Then another guy followed then a girl.
In no time,five hands were up, but the teacher wasn't giving up on this.
Scarlet looked at Jackson before giving him a weary nod, then they both stood up to join the rest.


"...and Mr Mercedes you will do 'So' and then Mr Taghe yours will be 'Mi'
Let's go!"

As they all lined up, the orchestra began to play a sensational Melody

"Luke start now please" Scarlet looked over at who the teacher was referring to, it was Mr Beauty.
..."Tea, a drink with jam and bread"
And then everyone went silent as no one knew who should sing the bridge.
But then, Scarlet started but Luke broke him off

"...that would bring us back to do-re-mi-fa-so-la-te-do!"🎶

Luke gave a sly smile over his WIN as he felt he had a better status over the music class as always.
With a roll of his eyes,Scarlet left the stage and returned to his seat. He was feeling a very hot tingling in his palms so he stood and left the class before something weird happened.
Outside the class, somewhere in the balcony, he brought out his hands and looked at his palms. Just in that instant,waves of fire boomed through his them.

"Whoa!!!! What is that"

With great speed, Scarlet hid his hands into his hoodie before he swiftly turned to come face to face with three curious faces.


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