Chapter 12

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Authors Descriptive POV

Still standing by the doorway, stunned and surprised a the sight, Sir Aman and the gang craved an explanations.

Catching wind of their expectant curiosity, Scarlet got off the  floor completely followed by Micah, who didn't even care a mossle.

Scarlet cleared his semi dinning and offered everyone a chair except the witches who would rather stand to listen to whatever explanations he had to give.

Scarlet's POV

So I wasn't expecting the guys here, the last  time I remembered, I never showed anyone my house.
Luckily, my Mom had droppeda note on the fridge, she was working two shifts.
It was enough drama that I almost got lost in the Astra Void, and when I fortunately get help from Micah, am flabbergasted with the most unexpected crew in my room.

Everyone was looking at me with piercing eyes.
Apart from the witches who already have a reputation of kill-staring, Luna was giving me the devil look, like she could see through my soul.
Luke on the other hand had a malicious smirk across his face, and he looked at me and Micah funny.
Well, I'll just have to tell them, worst of all is the tormenting guilty fact that I ditched the guys to...come and lay down with a strange guy in my room...that was probably what they were thinking.

"Okay guys...its NOT what it seems, let me explain"
I finally summoned enough courage to speak up.

"Is that not why we've been standing here for damn so long" Alexa shot at me with a glee of malicious sneer.

Okay bitch I didn't know you were sassy too
Ignoring her  rude remark, I adjusted my posture as I told them everything that happened,from the time Micah scared the shit out of me, to the part I freed and met that beautiful goddess, then to the part Micah gets me out when I got stuck.

Completing my little adventure tale, everyone has a look of surprise, mixed with a drop of disbelief and fear.

"So you're saying you can Astra Project too?" Jackson asked, running his hands through his blonde hair as he still tried to sink everything in and make sure it made sense.

"Yea...just found out. Actually, Micah made me realize I can actually do a lot which I never thought of."

"And who is this Micah friend of yours?"
Sir Aman finally spoke, his silence all this while had killed me.

"Micah  here is..."

"I am Micah Smith, guardian of the river Nala, protector of the royal heir. Whitelighter of the supernatural squad."

Micah introduced himself,smelling Scarlet who was flustered at the way he was caught off.

"Wait...what! Please explain that last part" Jackson shot at him as it was clear everyone in this room wanted to ask the same thing.

"Well, its obvious you all do not remember what the ocassion is. Well, the time is currently two minutes past 5am, so the prophecy has taken full swing .
On the sixth day of the Hilata full moon, my heir will wander into the Unknown and recover one out of the three regal gifts of Myagra. Then he shall bring to life creatures of great powers which hath slept.
This is the first of the three"
Micah read from the scroll which appeared from  his hands.

I moved closer to look at its content
Scheming through it, shock is written all over my demeanor. It looked as if I had written that.
My handwriting had never been so pleasant to look upon.
And it was signed...Queen of Myagra,

"So, I didn't actually send you to the Astra plain to find Laurel, I sent you to bring the first prophecy to accomplishment.
Madam Laurel thought it a very good plan to send you there, while the girls trained on Astra projection and investigative prospects, and if I'm correct they've figured out where she is"

"So it was all a plan...? So what happens next?"
I asked, looking at my palms.
At that moment, I begin to feel a heaviness which I have never felt before within me.

"Guys...I think something's wrong with me" I managed to say before slumping into my head with my head spiralling... Weakness was all o felt,plus the noises that went on in my head

"How less  dumb could you be...your Highness. Didn't you hear that you have familiar Myagra beasts in you, figure it out already" Luna shot at me.
I was too weak for a comeback.

"We need to get him to release them, they are six in number, each belonging to the six of you."
Sir Aman explained, reaching under my head and pulling me to sit up.

"So you knew?" Jackson asked as he reached out to draw me up.

"Yes, but I didn't want you all to find out this soon, enough has happened in one day.

Walking round the room with crystal white candles, Micah threw concerned glances at me.
He lined the candles in a circled manner then with a snap of his fingers,they lighted.

" Now please step into the candle ring and kneel down. When he does that, the five of you will hold his shoulder and repeat the spell words while you release your mind. This is to link your abilities to your beasts, while also creating the animal of your choice...a little addup gift from the Queen"

Kneeling into the ring with weakness still written all over him, Luke, Luna , Jackson and Alexa knelt outside the ring with their hands gently placed on Scarlets shoulder.
"Lincum vitae Myagra astigora Calling on the elementals wind water fire and earth hear our call and grant access to release that which lies within lincum vitae Myagra astigora"

As they  finished, a great wave of wind hit everyone in the room including the witches who held onto one thing or the other.
Sir Aman and Micah both held unto Scarlets bed frame.
The five kneeling teenagers were lifted off the ground by an unseen force and thrown to the ground.

Everyone looks at Scarlet who now looks as strong as ever.
His eyes had turned completely Cerulean and his Hair fully white .
He stood up and widened out his arms as he  floated into the air. He hung there as everyone was expectant of what would happen next.
Then slowly, he began to descend.
When he was completely on the ground, he sat on the floor, eyes still blue. He stretched out his hands and began to form five balls .
Its contents looked like water.
He rolled and balled them in mid air, then gradually, he dropped them on the floor.

Then with a snap of his fingers, five  creatures curled up beside Luke, Luna, Jackson and Alexa.


So guys, I need your help
I have the idea of what the guradian familiar beasts would be, but I want your suggestims too
Which animal will suit each of them characters?

Remember to y'all

SCARLETWhere stories live. Discover now