"Well you two are best friends and I don't wanna sound rude but I'm guessing you're older than Lizzie right? So guys do I need to ask questions here" Alexa replies with a lot of sass in her tone which takes both adults a back as they laugh in shock. "Ok I'll give you that one kid!" Chris says. "Well that's you told Evans and yes he is older than me he's like a grandpa!" Lizzie laughs even more.

They pull up at Lizzie's apartment and head inside. "Oh here are your clothes Lizzie" Alexa pulls the hoodie and leggings from her bag and passes them over. "Ah thankyou" she takes them and puts them on the side.

"Lizzie coffee?" Chris shouts from the kitchen "Yes please, do you drink coffee Alexa?" Lizzie replies. Alexa does but as always doesn't want to be a bother  "Just water is fine, thankyou" She eventually says. Chris comes out with 2 cups of coffee and a bottle of water tucked under his arm.

Lizzie goes into her room for something as Chris and Alexa sit in the living room, Chris shows her funny  videos of Lizzie and cute pictures of his puppy Dodger until Lizzie comes back. "So do you guys work together?" Alexa asks.

Chris glances up at Lizzie waiting for her to handle this conversation. Lizzie clears her throat slightly "Yeah you could say that, not always but sometimes." Alexa just nodded and doesn't ask anything more she noticed the slight tension the question raised.

Chris sat and wondered how this 14 year old had no idea they were actors in one of the biggest movie franchises ever made even if she hadn't seen the films wouldn't she know something from social media or whatever? He shrugged his shoulders as Lizzie pulled out a book.

"Have you read this? It's 'Rebecca' by Daphne de Maurier it's a little dark but I think you'd like it!" Lizzie holds it towards Alexa as she takes it. "I haven't, but I'm sure I have something by de Maurier on my book shelf I've never read I just can't think what it's called."

They both think for a second trying to remember some of her other novels. "Jamaica Inn!" they both say at the same time making each other laugh. Chris laughs but in a completely different way. "You two are such nerds, I'm calling Scarlett I need some backup before you two bore me to death with your cleverness!" Chris gets up and heads into the kitchen to call Scarlett.

"So tell me more about living in Florida?" Lizzie asks while crossing her legs up onto the couch, Alexa turns to face her also crossing her legs. "I loved it, I got to go to an actual school with my friends, we'd finish school and go surfing and play volleyball on the beach it was the best, it was home."

Alexa laughed thinking of all the days she spent being happy. Something she rarely feels these days. "You play volleyball?" Lizzie asks excited, Alexa nods back. "I used to play volleyball I love it!"

"So what do you do for school now if you're between here and New York?" Lizzie asks continuing their conversation from earlier. Alexa explains how Adam and Miriam signed her up to an online school which she does most days unless she has assignments then it's just independent study.

Alexa doesn't miss being in an actual school, what teenager would, she just missed seeing her friends. "Who taught you to surf?" Lizzie continues. "Harry did, he made me practice on the sand for literally about 3 weeks! I'm not amazing at it like he is but I love it I find the ocean so calming."

"How about one day next week we go to the beach, I could rent a surfboard for you and we can play volleyball? If you want to that is" Lizzie can see just how much Alexa misses having any form of stability and the one time she almost had it she lost it again, and she would do anything to give her it even if it's just for a day.

"Oh no that's ok you don't have to do that-" Lizzie immediately cuts her off, she'd noticed this pattern of turning people down when they want to help her or do anything nice, it was like she didn't believe anyone cared. "Alexa... what's your last name?"

"Harrison" Alexa replies looking down, Lizzie looks at her with a slight smirk knowing exactly how to make her smile. "Alexa Harrison do not make me come over there and tickle you until you agree to come to the beach with me, because I will!" Lizzie warned her before edging closer and starting to tickle her.

Alexa tried to fight her off as she laughed. "Okay you win! I'll let you take me to the beach! Please stop!" Chris comes in and sees what's happening and runs over to lean Lizzie back "I'll hold her down Alexa you get her feet! She has really ticklish feet!" he yells holding Lizzie who is trying to squirm out of his hold.

"Oh my god no that's not FAI-" Lizzie bursts out into laughter as Alexa tickles her feet, squirming as much as she can but let's be real Chris Evans is way to strong Alexa finally stops and Chris let's her up. "That is not fair you two can not gang up on me like that!" she laughs pushing both of them jokingly.

"Well lucky for you Scarlett is on her way, she is picking up snacks she suggested a movie day?" Chris looks at the girls who both nod in agreement they sit and chat while waiting for Scar to arrive.

Word count: 1678

I'm sorry but I love this story is that really vain considering I'm writing it???

Anyway just published the first 5 chapters and now I'm nervous!! Please vote and comment and leave suggestions all that shit!!

Movie day snacks what's your go to?- mine is popcorn or sweets like jelly sweets

stay safe I love you all

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