Tell me when the light goes out
Believeing in the dark
We can find our way out
Tell me now cause I believe in something
I believe in us

I stay at a slow steady pace as the song comes to an end as I reach Hero. George smiles up at his son and he looks down at me. He lifts my hand and he places it gently in Hero's trembling ones. Hero smiles at his father and George nods his head, then turns around and walks to his seat by Martha. I look back at them and smile, silently thanking them.

Hero takes my hand, and leads us up to the minister. We stand before him, and he looks at us, smiling. "You may now be seated." He says to all of our guests. Hero lets go of my hand and we turn, standing infront of each other. He takes in a deep breath and slowly lets it out. He stares at me deeply, and smiles as he waits for the minister to start.

I don't really pay attention to what the minister is saying because I am so focused on looking at the handsome man that is standing in front of me, the handsome man that I am about to marry. I look deeply into his eyes, then down to his lips, to his neck, and his broad shoulders. Then my eyes go down his arms and stop at his hands that are clamped together in front of him. The veins in his hands are visible and my mouth opens slightly staring at his masculan arms.

"The bride and groom has written their own vows." The preacher says, breaking me out of my gawking. I move my eyes up to Hero's and he takes a deep breath. He lets his breath out slowly.

"Josephine, when I met you 5 years ago, I didn't know what would come of our friendship. We kept things professional at first, but then things started to shift. We had so much chemistry and everyone knew it, even Anna." He says and looks over at Anna for a split second then back to me. He waits for a second and gives me a small smile.

"Not to long ago, I made a promise to you. A promise to never hurt you again and to always be faithful to you. I hope that I kept that promiseou to y. And that promise will forever stand, but today... today, I make a new promise. I promise to to love you, even when I may hate you. To never run or walk out, no matter what happens. I will take care of you, and protect you, for as long as we both shall live. This..." He says while taking my hand and sliding the rose gold wedding band onto my finger.

"Is forever." He says and looks up at me when the ring is secure on my finger. How can I compete with that? It was so beautiful and full of love. I can't help the tears swelling up in my eyes and I see tears forming in his eyes as well. I breath in deeply before starting and I let it out slowly.

"Hero... when I met you 5 years ago, I never knew what would become of our friendship. I didn't know if we would hate each other or grow to work well with one another. I didn't know anything of what would come, but I did know one thing... I knew that I was falling in love with you." I say and a tear rolls down his cheek. Seeing him cry on out wedding day makes me want to cry.

"I don't know how I couldn't fall for you. I tried to deny the feeling at first but it only became stronger the more I tried to push it away. But when I finally embraced it, I knew that I'd love you until the day that I die." I say and the tears fall from my eyes.

"So, I promise to fiercly love you in all of your shapes and forms, I promise to never forget this once in a lifetime kind of love. And when we face challenges that might carry us apart, I will always know in the deepest part of my soul, we will find our way back to each other. I promise to protect you and take care of you for as long as we both shall live. This..." I say as I grab his hand and slide the gold ring onto his finger.

"Is forever." I say looking up at him with a giddy smile on my face. "I don't think that there is anything left to say after that. Hero, it's the time you've been waiting for." The preacher says, looking at Hero and Hero looks back at him.

Everything I Wanted (Book 2) (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now