Your POV

After I left the bathroom with a towel over my face as I began to sneeze. I was sweating like crazy as I flopped onto the floor. "You okay F/N?" Jyugo asked and I nodded. I slowly and shakily stood up and wobbled to the cell door. "hajime." I weakly said as I tried to keep myself up by holding onto the bars. My breathing became heavy as I saw Hajime walk over. I collapsed. The last thing I heard was people shout out my name until everything became black.

No One's POV

After F/N collapsed, Hajime and the others ran towards her body. "F/N!" They all shouted but she were passed out. Hajime gently picked her up bridal style and carried her off to the doctors but was stopped by her inmate friends. "Where are you taking him?" Nico asked seeming on the brink of tears. "I'm taking him to the doctor." Hajime responded, his voice cracking suddenly which confused the others. "Do you think he'll be okay?" Uno asked and Hajime nodded. "He probably got sick from being in the rain." Hajime said as he walked off. He pulled the hood of her face and felt her forehead to find her burning up. 'Please be okay.' Hajime thought as he approached the doctor. "Okina Otogi? You in here?" Hajime asked as he entered the quiet room. "Yes. What is it Hajime?" He asked until he noticed F/N in his arms. "Is something wrong with your newest inmate?" He asked as he approached Hajime. "He has a high fever and collapsed in his cell. He's passed out right now." Hajime explained and Dr. Okina nodded. "Probably from the sudden weather change." He said and reached towards F/N's hood and Hajime backed away, pulling her closer to him. "You are very protective of him." Dr. Okina said and Hajime unknowingly blushed a little. "Well just so you know, I'm gonna have to see his face mainly because I have to identify how sick he really is." Dr. Okina said and Hajime signed. "Don't tell anyone about this." Hajime demanded as he pulled the hood off F/N's face. "Oh! Now I understand why you are so protective over them." Dr. Okina said as he examined her face. "She is a very pretty girl." He said as he felt her forehead to feel it burning up. He grabbed a thermometer and used it to find her temperature to be at 109 degrees. "That's pretty high. Set her down on the bed over there. I'll give her some medicine but she has to stay here so I can keep an eye on her." Dr. Okina said and Hajime sighed and hesitated for a moment but left. A few minutes later, Dr. Okina gave F/N her medicine just before she woke up.

Your POV

I looked around, my vision a bit fuzzy. "Where am I?" I asked myself as I tried to get off the bed but was stopped. "I would advise you to stay put." Some old dude said and I obliged. "Here's your medicine." He said and handed me some pills and I took one. "I'm Dr. Okina. If you're wondering, Hajime brought you here." He said and I smiled. "What happened?" I asked and he sighed. "All Hajime told me was that you have a high fever and you collapsed in your cell. Were you out in the rain?" Dr. Okina asked me and I nodded. "I was at Samons building since I have to go there every other day for training and it began to rain. I was in it for about 5 minutes before I went inside. Hajime showed us shortly after and like an idiot, he forgot an umbrella so I got wet again from the rain." I explained and he nodded. "You might want to get some sleep. It'll help with your fever. I'll have the chef bring you some soup." Dr. Okina said and I nodded, sending him a small smile then laid down and before I knew it, I fell asleep.

With Hajime

"How long will he be sick?" Nico asked Hajime and Hajime just sighed. "I've already told you. I don't know now stop asking." He said and stood by their cell. "Hey Hajime, can we go visit him?" Uno asked and Hajime shook his head. "No. Not right now." "Awww! Come on please?" They all asked in unison while giving Hajime their best puppy dog eyes but it didn't work. "Maybe tomorrow but for now, get some sleep." Hajime said and turned the lights out. "How can we get any sleep while F/N is sick." Rock mumbled and the others nodded their head in agreement. Though Hajime wouldn't admit it, you were the only thing on his mind. He was wondering if you were okay and if you were feeling any better. He sighed as he worked an the paperwork he had to fill out while he waited patiently for you to get better.

Your POV

A few days passed and I was feeling better. I even was able to keep my hood off for those days and it was nice. You took your last pill and ate some soup until Dr. Okina came in and looked at me. "You might want to put your hood up. You have some visitors." He said and I quickly put my bowl down and pulled my hood up just as Nico, Uno, Rock, Jyugo, and Hajime entered. "Hello guys." I said and waved. "F/N!" Nico shouted as he rushed to my side, crying a waterfall of tears, a trail of snot dripped from his nose. Gross but also cute. "We were so worried about you!" He said and I looked at them. "Really?" I asked and they all nodded except Hajime. He wouldn't admit it in front of the others. "I'm glad you guys care but I'm alright. Just a fever." I said with a small laugh as I rubbed the top of Nico's head. "You guys may go back to your cell." Dr. Okina said and I nodded and smiled. "Thank you for everything." I said and he nodded and gave me a thumbs up. "Who's ready to eat! Last one there is a rotten egg!" I shouted and ran out of the room. "Hey! No fair! You got a head start!" Everyone shouted and ran after me. Laughs echoed down the halls as we rushed to the cafeteria. Hajime just walked out and followed behind as we entered the cafeteria and got a lot of food to celebrate my recovery. We had fun, saying jokes and stuffing our faces with sweets Chef Shiro gave me which were really good and I complimented him everything he came by. When it was time to go to sleep, I hugged Hajime. "Thank you for taking me to Dr. Okina." I said then entered my cell and got comfortable and before I knew it, I was in a dreamless sleep.

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