34' kidnap

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"Taehyung!" I heard jennie's screams fading away.

I hurried out of my room, I saw a big man immediately banged the gun on my head, my version became blurry as my eyes were already on the door looking at jennie's worried face increased even more.

I tried to stand up and fight but I was losing my strength because I had just finished the fight before but I had to fight and save jennie.

I was greeted by a hard punch to the stomach, followed by a punch to my face. I stood up quickly and gave the man a strong punch to the face, pushing him backwards as I couldn't help to stop for being angry even though I had lost the right force.

I didn't realize that he had a gun in his hand that was immediately pointed at my head, I stopped punching and quickly grabbed the gun but he also quickly fired it at my shoulder.

He pushed me hard for a reason to slip and hit my arm with a hard object, he quickly ran out while I lost my sight.


"Mom, it's not right"

"Shut up!"

"I won't! We should protect her, not the one we treat like garbage"

"I said shut up. If you don't shut up I'll take you-"

"Then go."


"Even you too, dad?"

I heard their whole conversation while my eyes were still closed, even though it was closed I knew I was sitting and i was tied to the chair. Why are they doing this to me?

"M-mom?" I called weakly while not wanting to open my eyes because of the dazzling ray of light.

"Jennie" I heard jimin call as well as his footsteps coming towards me.

"Jennie are you okay?" He asked worriedly, I nodded.

"Jimin. Get out of here" Mom said, I immediately opened my eyes at the same time as my tears were dripping.

"Don't worry, I'm here" Jimin said, immediately wiping away my tears.

"Why are they doing this to me?" I ask.

Jimin was about to speak when someone immediately grabbed his two arms upright and pulled him out of the room.

"Are you really my parents?" I asked as I shouted in front of them.

I can see how mom's face turned red but now, I really don't care.

"Jennie, I hope you can understand us-"

"Why should I understand you when you doesn't even understand your own child?" I asked, she knelt in front of me and caressed my cheek.

She isn't my mom anymore, she's a monster.

"I know I'm treating you too much like trash and not a real child, but I'm only doing what's best for you" Really?

I did a fake laugh, "Really mom? Are you doing that?" I said sarcastically.

"You can't even see in my eyes how painful and how exhausted I am because of what you're doing, mom." Because of that, I can't stop myself from crying.

"Jennie, I know, I know you're hurting. What happened to you is happened to me too" she said.

"What is set, you can't change that. You can't help but choose between two things" she said, hugging me but she also broke the hug.

"Is that still necessary?" I asked as mom nodded.

"You have to choose if you want to choose him, he may die. But if you choose to release him he will live peacefully" Mom said.

"I'll wait for your decision" she added and stood up, she went out with my step-father and left me alone.

I don't want to choose. this is what I dislike most of all. to choose between the two. I want to choose him but I don't want to lose him, I love him so much.

"I'm sorry, taehyung" I whispered closing my eyes.

I'm sorry. I can't fight back.


Hi! It's been too long since i update this book, i just want to let you know that this book might end soon before this May ended. Yeah it's too sad but don't lose hopes yall♡

My last wish | Kjn & Kth | CompletedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu