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"Yah.yah.yah!" The man's cousin shouted again and again as he knocked on the open door of his room

"Hyung!" he said calmly trying not to raise his voice so that the woman who was still sleeping on his arm would not wake up

His cousin laughed softly "Fine..the food is ready outside, so wake up" he said giving taehyung a wink before he left

When his cousin left, he took a deep breath and faced the sleeping woman's face with his arm while her whole body was wrapped around his body.

He laughed silently because of jennie's childish behavior today, he pulled the hair to side that covered the face of the girl who was sleeping peacefully that he immediately admired the angelic face of her.

He didn’t know why he suddenly became this kind of person. He was just starting to be a cold -hearted man, always in trouble, always unaware that he would almost kill himself, but all that disappeared quickly just because of this woman.

But in the middle of his thoughts, his phone suddenly vibrated so he slowly removed his arm and put jennie's head off to the soft pillow.

He immediately reached for his phone which was just placed on a small table next to his couch. he immediately opened it and checked who it was

When he read the text he immediately stood up and took his hoodie and immediately left his room "You take care of jennie first, I'll be back too" he said without even bothering to look at his cousin who was eating and just went straight out to their dorm.

"Sometimes I'll actually see the real taehyung too.." said his cousin who was just watching him hurry out of the dorm

He knew what his cousin was going to do again, he could see with his two eyes how the color of his eyes was changing, how serious his face was and how his hands were stiff with anger and his veins were rubbing against his skin.

"Kim taehyung" he said between his breaths before swallowing the food

"I thought you weren't going?" A man with the dark brown hair and a bit taller than him while smirking and holding a palm-sized knife

"You're bothering me." he mumbled as his eyes was looking around at this dark abandoned factory. The man holding a knife smiled when he heard his words.

"You're the one who made the deal, remember?" he said still not removing the smile from his lips as he started to walk closer to the man.

"Then..what are you going to do? End my life?" He said in a sarcasm way while keeping himself calm, as he secretly glanced at the knife held by the man.

"No, if I kill you I have nothing to fight against, so now I'll just hurt you a little" said the man who moved quickly and pulled the hood of taehyung's clothe and at the same time he pressed the knife to his neck

"If you chose my sister and just gave me the one you love the most, we wouldn't have reached this point, my friend" He added that the knife was pressed even harder on his neck that was starting to bleed but Taehyung didn't give up.

Taehyung kicked the man in his stomach so that the man could release him from strangling, and when the man released Taehyung he immediately grabbed the man's two hands and placed them behind him which he also quickly grabbed the knife and threw at far away

"I'm not stupid as you." Taehyung whispered in the man's ear while holding the man's hand even tighter, but because the man was strong, he escaped taehyung's tight grips.

"Who's the stupid?" The man asked in a high voice as he continued to punch Taehyung in the face and stomach

"You're not as strong as you think" added the man who continued to punch, until Taehyung was leaning against the wall, but he was lucky to see a long iron so he just let himself get more beat by the man. Until he gains strength from his rage

"Will you still fight or give up because I'm ready to finish you o--" but the man didn't finish his speech when taehyung suddenly hit the long iron on the man's head and gave him a series of punches in the face

He couldn't control himself to stop punching because the man's face was covered in blood and bruises, but that didn't work for him and he pulled the man's collar upright.

"I won't finish you, I'll just hurt you a little bit" he said giving the man another strong punch "I just told you back what you told me." he said that he immediately chased his breath

The surroundings became so quiet that only their breathing could be heard but the silence also breaks when the man laughed, accompanied by taehyung.

"I can't believe you beat me now" said the man between his laughs

"You're the only reason why I'm like this, why I'm losing you now in our fights" said taehyung who also stopped laughing

"I won't be convicted of killing you" he said standing up to where he was sitting and walking to the door of the abandoned factory

But before he left the dormitory, he gave a sharp glance to his former friend who now looked like a poor stupid ready to kill his friends, and he left the dormitory in the old factory.

"Where have you been? Why'd you have so many wounds?" I asked as I ran towards him as he walked towards his room quickly

"Don't mind me" he said as he face me and greeted by bruises and wounds on his face but I was more distracted by the bleeding deep wound on his neck

I felt that my vision was gradually blurring because the tears were starting to form in my eyes while my whole body was also starting to tremble.

Did they and mom do it? did they beat taehyung?

"If you're thinking of anything, that's not what really happened" he said I immediately looked him in the eye but he just smiled and started walking into his room and locked the door at the same time

I just stood there while just letting my tears drop..

I walked to the front door of his room and turned the doorknob but it was locked inside, I turned it again and pushed at the same time but the door was really locked

"Taehyung please, open the door" I said while knocking but I received no answers

"Open it, taehyung." I said trying to open the door, but I also stopped when my phone rang so I took it off the table.

I don't know the caller but I just answered the call, a few seconds later the call was cut off followed by a message by someone i didn't know.

My eyes widened and my whole body trembled with fear as my knees weakened, A photo of a knife full of blood and below it had the message "You probably know who's next, am i right? jennie"

"What does this mean?" I whispered to myself that the door suddenly opened loudly and that behind it were the three big men in black.

No.no. it can't be..

I ran and at the same time loudly knocked on taehyung's door while forcing the door open

"Taehyung, open the door!" I shouted over and over until I ran and one of the men covered my mouth as he lifted me out of the dorm.

I continued to punch the man who was lifting me on the head and back when I heard gunshots three times.




Our nini is getting more dramatic today:) will update sooner as i can<3

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