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I'm already in the room and preparing myself for later because  jisoo will pick me up here and since she also wants to visit my mom

I went to my clothes and looked for a nice dress so that I wouldn't look like a stupid woman because of the many people who can be issued in the mall that I might heat up.

"Maybe I don't look cheap in this dress" I said that I had already taken what I was going to wear

I put it on at the same time and put on a little make up so that I can look like a living person and at the same time put on white plain shoes and shoulder bag

I put it on at the same time and put on a little make up so that I can look like a living person and at the same time put on white plain shoes and shoulder bag

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"Maybe I don't look cheap in this dress" I said that I had already taken what I was going to wear

I put it on at the same time and put on a little make up so that I can look like a living person and at the same time put on white plain shoes and shoulder bags

Suddenly someone called me from the living room so I immediately left my room and went down to the living room where mom and jisoo were there with yoongi and his annoying cousin

"Thank you aunt, we will take him home before 8 pm" I heard jisoo say to mom

"Mom, we're leaving" I said as the four of them stood up and I first approached mom to give a kiss on the cheek

But before we left, the three of them bowed to mom before we continued to leave the house

When we got out of the house there was a parked car outside the house and we got into that car that jisoo and I were in the passenger seats while the two of them were in the front and stupid taehyung was driving the car.

We arrived at the mall a few minutes later and bought some popcorn and drinks and lined up in the cinema room 5

While we were in the line up, I looked at the people who were making a lot of noise, but my gaze stop at the poster of the movie we were going to watch.

My eyes got widened as i realized that we're going to watch scary movies, then I just slapped my own cheek and took a deep breath while looking at the other people in line as well

Why do so many people want to watch a scary movie? then they will also shout inside the cinema..like bruh .. just don't watch them and just choose another movie instead of watching and shouting like a fool

They're so thrilling, gosh!!

After a while, the long and crowded queue moved because people had already entered the cinema, so I sent jisoo first so that i would be next to her.

When jisoo handed over her ticket, the person assisting her entered her but she first stood at the entrance to wait for me so I also handed over my ticket to the man and went in with jisoo while the cousins ​​were just following us.

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