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"Mom we're home!" Jennie shouted as she and her brother entered their main door while she was just carrying her bag and shes walking with her eyes closed as she walked slowly as she took off her shoes with each step she took.

"Looks like my daughter is very tired huh?" Her step dad asked as he was just sitting in his armchair and holding the newspaper and there was coffee on the table next to him.

"I don't want college life, dad. I really hate it because I don't think there are many activities" she said while slowly lying on their long couch

Her older brother, on the other hand, was sitting with narrow eyes leaning on their couch who also seemed tired all day focusing on school.

"Dad what if i join basketball?" his older brother suddenly asked while his eyes were still closed

"The decision is yours if you join the basketball team, it's okay with me as long as you don't neglect your studies" said his dad while still looking at the newspaper

"I will be your cheerleader brother..." jennie said while still closing her eyes and raising her thumb.

"Let's go and the dinner is ready and I have something prepared for you two" their mom shouted so they immediately got up and went straight to the table

They are already sitting at the table and eating while the siblings are next to each other and their mom is in front of jennie and their dad is next to their mom

"Mom, what did you prepare for us?" Jennie asked as she reached for the glass full of juice

"For jimin we bought your own car and you jennie, we bought your dorm since you really want to have it" their mom said so the two looked at each other and their smiles grew bigger

Did I hear that right? will i have my own dorm? JKPAMSHIQBSJSSU IT MEANS IM HAVING MY FREEDOM!! YASS! IM FREE NOW BTCH ~~

"Can I stay there starting next monday?" She asked while there was still a smile on her face so her parents also smiled because they knew they had made their child happy with the little things

Jennie is already in her room and doing her skin care while focusing at her laptop and watching disney movies on netflix while waiting for her tea to be warm

But she stopped applying moisturizer on her face and looked at herself in the mirror and thought about what was happening earlier at school.

Why is he looking at me during the whole conversation of the five of us? he didn't even speak once and just sat down to keep quiet.

Is he really that cold person? Is he the same with his family? not talking not smiling and not even socializing with others, the boring part of his life is 'WOW'

Min yoongi is even better than him, even though we are not very well known yet so that I can immediately feel comfortable with him..it seems like I have an association with him before

Do we know each other? or have we ever been together before? argh! Why i am thinking about them? 'nevermind'

"Shit! My tea is cold now!"

"You're such a distraction for me, mr.cold guy"

When jennie got up and walk to her bathroom to wash her hands when her phone suddenly vibrated so she looked at who it was and suddenly yoongi's name came out same as taehyung

(Jennie_J): Min yoongi just started following you

(Jennie_J): kimV who you might know, is on Instagram

"I'm not interested" she said as she just put the phone on the table and went straight into her bathroom

A few minutes later she also came out of her bathroom and took her phone and at the same time lay down on her bed and when she opened her phone she got received lots of massage.

(Don't forget to vote! ♡)

My last wish | Kjn & Kth | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now