22' We almost kissed

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"Stop thinking about him!" I said that I slapped my face again and again

I took a deep breath and stood up to go to the bathroom to get the strap in my hair when my phone suddenly vibrated but I just looked at it and let it go to the bathroom

"Whoever you are sorry, I'm too lazy to talk" I said as I took the strand of hair and looked in the mirror while tying my long dark brown hair

"Shit! Why do I have a piece of pimples on the side of my jaw line?" I asked myself and rolled my eyes and immediately walked out of the bathroom

When I went back to my bed and lay down, I looked at who was texting and.....Wtf?

He texted me for the first time!..


Can I go there?
It's fine if not


Open your door

Haha? I'm not stupid to open the door
when you are not outside

Just open it.

Argh! Fine.


ecause of that I stood up and walked to open the door but I was shocked when someone immediately hugged me tightly all of a sudden.

"W-wait..i-" I didn't continue when he suddenly spoke

"Let's just stay like this for a moment" because of his deep voice I can feel my knees weakening

I don't know if it's because of his deep voice or because of what he said

I did nothing so I hugged him back with my hand on his back and suddenly drew a small smile on my lips

I am happy to see him again

But for a while he also cut the hug and looked at me but my eyes widened when I saw his bleeding lips and his forehead was red

"What happened to you?" I asked worriedly but he just smiled a little

"Are you drunk?" I asked again but his smile only got bigger

Shit! I just saw this kind of smile for the first time, and it came from him

"I'm not, princess" he said as I just rolled my eyes

But I also looked back at him and I took his hand and pulled him into my dorm so that no one could see us, I do not want an issue

I went to the bathroom and took my first aid kit and went back to where I left him

I saw him just sitting on my bed with his head bowed and his hand in the pocket of his black jacket

I walked closer to him and took a chair to sit in front of him and so that I could heal his lips and forehead.

"Yah! I owe you a lot so I can pay for that by treating your lips and forehead" I said while opening my aid kit

"And the rest, you take care of how I can pay you" I said but he raised his head and looked straight into my eyes

Or should i say into my soul?

A big dream...

"Are you sure with what you're saying?" He asked with no reaction on his face while still looking into my eyes

I shook my head up and down and suddenly I saw the smirk on his lips again so I just rolled my eyes

I took a piece of cotton balls and stamped it with iodine twice but before I wiped it on his red forehead with a small wound I first looked at him who was also looking at me

I immediately averted my eyes and wiped the cotton with iodine directly on his forehead slowly so it won't hurt more.

After I applied it, I immediately took the band aid to cover the small wound on his forehead while the scratches were still red.

When I finished putting on the band aid I could not help but look directly into his eyes, but I think he was just staring at me throughout the incident

"Aren't you tired of staring at me?" I asked him so that he would stop staring at me because I was uncomfortable that he just staring at me for the whole moments

"I can stare at you even for the rest of my life" he said I immediately felt hot on my cheek so I stood up to go to the bathroom when he pulled my waist causing me to sit on his lap

It was embarrassing because my cheeks were already red and he was still looking at me

I tried to stand up but he held my waist tightly so I looked at him still his eyes didn't leave me

*Dugdug..Dugdug.. [a/n..lmao]

Shit! I hope he can't hear my heartbeat beating faster

Why is he more handsome when closer?

His dark brown eyes that are directly looking at me are the same as his dark brown hair that kinda curly

His pointed nose with a mole at the end, and lastly his heart shaped red lips which will attract me even more

I just found out that our lips were almost touching when I stopped what I was doing when something suddenly entered my mind that made me stand up.

"I'll just treat your lips when I come back" I said running into the bathroom and immediately slapped my own face

Again and again~

We almost kissed!

Argh! why are you so stupid jennie when you face him? instead of showing him that you are brave you have become a fool!

We almost kissed...we almost kissed

"Why don't you want to be out of my mind?" I whispered to myself and he might hear what I have to say

What will I do? after I left him suddenly

How i could fix this?

I swear this is a cringey one.. just be patient i will try to fix this sooner💅

My last wish | Kjn & Kth | CompletedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant