(14) Small Teen...

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AU: hybrid!Tommy

Information: every nether hybrid has voices. It is possible for other types of hybrids to have voices but it's rare. Tommy kept it a secret from his family that he was a magma cube hybrid.

Family: Philza, Technoblade, Wilbur.

Trigger Warnings: lava

A/N: I decided to upload two oneshots today since it's my birthday. Hope you enjoy!



'Do a flip!'


'Blood for the blood prince.'

Tommy squeezed his eyes shut as he stood above a lava pool. The bright pool was tempting as time and time again he found himself coming back to the edge. Don't get him wrong... he wasn't suicidal, not one bit. He just longed for the warmth of flames to consume him as in the past.

Tommy was a hybrid but preferred to keep it hidden as the type of hybrid he was, wasn't all that common to find. Tommy was a magma cube hybrid... it was a odd hybrid to be.

Magma Cub hybrids can, if they want to, turn fully human or turn fully into their slime/lava form. Tommy's form had lava running from his eyes with his height shrinking to the height of a small magma cub... his form was meant to grow the longer he was in it but since a young age... he hadn't been in the form for very long meaning it was still extremely below what it was meant to be.

Tommy felt cold as he stood in literal hell... he wanted to go into his small form and jump around like his instincts told him... yet there was a slight issue, his brother.

Techno, the eldest brother Tommy had, had taken the boy to the nether so Techno could stop his voices constant demand for blood. One of the ways techno had learned to ignore it meant being around other piglins and Hoglins.

Tommy waited patiently by the bastion that Techno had entered, waiting for the male to come back. Tommy knew all nether hybrids heard voices, it wasn't a commonly known face as not many nether hybrids walked in the overworld. Meaning if tommy had even stated to any family member he was a hybrid of the nether they'd question the voices... he wasn't ready to open up about them.

"Theseus," technos monotone voice came out of no where, "c'mon." Tommy glanced over his shoulder to see a slightly worried Techno as he turned away. Tommy quickly ran to the males side with voices screaming at him to go back to looking at the lava and jumping in. His instincts were overwhelming but he ignored it as he walked side by side with Techno.

"So... why were you staring at the lava?" Techno asked after moments of silence.

Tommy mumbled, "no reason." He didn't want Techno... or Phil... or Wilbur to scream at him for not following his instincts which were mainly dangerous at times. "Just bored while you were in there." The excuse wouldn't work on Techno as the male too had voices who told him whether someone was lying to him.

Techno gave Tommy a side glance... with the look on Technos face was clearly one Tommy had seen before. The look told him, 'I know you're lying but I won't say anything just yet as long as nothing bad happen.' The two brothers walked in complete silence back to the portal.


Wilbur, who had grown curios, trained with Tommy.... hitting a dummy next to him. The male kept glancing over slightly confused as Tommy was constantly jumping in his attacks with a odd haze on his eyes.

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