(11) A Vampires Fledgling... but not yet.

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AU: Vampire

Information: Tommy is a vampire hunter, he is the youngest. He's forced to be one, a slight hatred was created for the job he was forced into. Vampires are killed with only a few weapons, one being a special sword.

Family: Unknown.

Trigger warnings: kidnaping, forced to be a vampire, vampire bite, pain, blood.


Out of all the vampire hunters, Tommy was the youngest. He had barely been accepted yet there were jokes commonly made about how Tommy was too young to be here. The teen always scowled at this fact as the youngest Hunter never choose the life he lived. His father stated that he was going to be a vampire hunter and that was final. The teen knew better then to fight with his father as if he had... well to put it simply, he would disappear just like his mother did. No trace and no body to prove she was dead. It is commonly known as a kidnapping case but Tommy knows differently.

Tommy's head was snapped to attention as he heard a rustling on his patrol. He normally wouldn't have been alone but the others in his group had been attacked the previous day by a sire, they luckily weren't bitten.

A sire is the head of a vampires clan, they've lived for more the ten thousands years when vampires first came alive to the world. Of course, all sire's are known and the one who attacked him was the sire known as the 'crow father'... whatever that meant. Sire's are also the only ones who can fully change a human into a vampire without that said vampire going in a blood craze and killing everything in its way.

Tommy moved swiftly to take out his sword, he carefully scanned his surroundings and waited for another movement. It was hard to kill a vampire yet there were possible ways... much like every sword that is given to hunter. It somehow makes it different after being infused with something, Tommy hadn't bothered paying attention to what it was exactly but he hadn't needed to know.

As the teen scanned he kept his breathing slow and quiet as he wanted to listen carefully for any sort of noise being made.

"Sorry 'bout this," a male voice apologized, Tommy was about to spin around but he was grabbed and something sharp hit his neck. He knew it wasn't the teeth of a vampire as it was just a mere prick... a needle?

Without anytime to question it... Tommy's world became dark.


Tommy had woken up and immediately shot open his eyes the first chance he got. His heart was beating fast as panic filled him from head to toe. He woke up in a room, not wearing the clothes he passed out in. The clothing he wore was soft and comfortable.

He glanced down, his shirt was a white and red shirt, quite plain but suiting for some reason. His pants were baggy, fuzzy, grey pants. He did have socks in, black ones with a white strip going upward.

He swung his feet over the side of the bed and pushed himself up. He needed to find his gear and leave. He didn't care for the people who kidnapped him... he assumed they were wanting something with him. If they were vampires looking for a bloodbath then they wouldn't have kidnapped a vampire hunter.

He scanned the room, not really taking in any particular detail but knew his sword and fear wouldn't be here. He cursed under his breath as the door opened showing the infamous WilburSoot. A vampire known to attract people to him with his music before slaughtering them, he is also one of the ones the 'crow father' apparently adopted...


Tommy tensed for a moment as he remembered the stories, the 'crow father' had no biological children to protect and love... he wanted to have a few children to love and cherish as people died around him. That's when he started turning humans in a bit so good living status into vampires. He had four total 'sons' who were forcefully adopted. There was Techno, the first ever bitten and most known as the 'blood god'... there was Wilbur who was bitten next a few thousand years after Techno. Then there were the twins who Tommy honestly didn't know much about as they were known.

"Ah! You're up," Wilbur smiled with his fangs showing in his said smile. "I should tell you, your weapon was left where you were at and your gear was thrown out. So... it's gone." He shrugged as he closed the door and walked over to the teen. "Yet I am curious... I thought the vampire hunters didn't accept children."

"I am not a fucking child!" Tommy half yelled a bit tired of constantly hearing about it. Wilbur smiled slightly before swiftly picking up the boy. Tommy yelped as he hadn't expected to be picked up suddenly. He attempted to push himself out of the males grip but he ultimately failed. "PUT ME DOWN!" He screamed as he felt his breath go fuzzy as Wilbur walked out the door. Wilbur sighed, stopping his movements for a moment, and quietly sung. Tommy reached up to not listen to the siren like song Wilbur often sung in reports... yet his attempts failed as his hands were grabbed from another person.

Yet, before he could even look at the person. He lost control of his body... meaning the siren like song effected him.

The moments blurred together as Tommy tried his best to regain his bodies normal movements. Suddenly, he was able to move. He struggled in someone's arms as he was held to their chest.

"Let me go!" He managed out as he noticed his legs were being held down by a pink haired male.

"Looks like my song wore off before..." Wilbur stated, "Do I do it again?" He asked someone that Tommy didn't bother turning to.

"No..." the voice trailed off, "Calm down mate, I promise you won't be forced to fight any longer." The voice whispered in his ear. "You'll have a chance at a new life to restart your old one. I promise you Fledgeling," Tommy tensed, has he been bitten? He didn't feel any sort of pain... fledglings are what vampires call their 'young' or a newly turned vampire who is learning the basics.

"Father, you shouldn't call him that yet. He's not a fledgling." The pink haired male responded to that, Tommy pieces together that this was the blood god. The vampire with about ten times the amount of killed any other vampire had gotten in its life. Tommy's Brain quickly put together that the chest he was forcibly laying against was indeed the 'crow father'. Tommy quickly scanned the area, no escape in sight. Even if he could get free of the two strongest vampires grips, there was still WilburSoot who could just sing and bring him back.

Tommy, being stubborn, fought more despite knowing it was hopeless. Maybe, just maybe... there was hope. Yet nothing will ever come of he was turned.

"Shh... its okay little one... I know it's scary now but I promise, it'll be okay." The crow father whispered to the boy. Tommy hadn't noticed as he slowed his escape, yet kept fighting. "That's it Fledgling..." he mumbled in a clam manner as Tommy had stopped moving. His body gave out as his mind seemed to go blank. Wilbur hadn't been singing but he seemed to accept this.

The crow father smiled softly as he waited for a moment. Tommy wondered for a moment why he was waiting... yet it was answered as teeth sunk in, drawing his blood. A horrifying scream was let out from the teen, his eyes were wide as he faced the ceiling. Burning quickly spread throughout his body... the fangs were taken out.

"There... it's okay, just sleep and everything will stop hurting when you wake up." Tommy allowed tears to fall down his face as the venom burned in his veins. He couldn't even close his eyes as the pain overtook everything. The crow father hummed letting out a bird like chirp, making Wilbur walk out of the room as Tommy passed out from the sheer pain.

Darkness consumed him as pain seemed to dull in the dream world he liked more than actually living his own live. What was to come next...? Tommy hadn't known but fear bubbles in his chest.

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