(10) His Plan...

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Information: the SBI family has a family with abilities, each blood relative has one. Yet when Tommy got his ability, he could see into the future. He developed a plan to get his family back together after they were split up in the old future Tommy refused to allow to happen. Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy are biologically Phil's children. Fundy is eighteen, almost nineteen, and was born just two years before Tommy came. Sally was murdered in cold blood, Kristen had died due to an illness.

Trigger Warnings: death, blood, gore, dead body.

Family: Philza, Kristen, Wilbur, Techno, Ranboo (adopted), Tubbo, Michael, Fundy.


Blood soaked his clothing, it wasn't his blood as he stared at the dead body that laid before him. He smiled slowly with empty baby blue eyes. His normally strawberry blond hair was slightly covered in blood spatter. His plan worked... he was going to fully have his family back.

On the prisoners dead body, Tommy kneeled down and whispered quietly, "give it up you bastard. I'll take it one way..." Tommy allowed his hand to glow as the spirt was clearly still in the body with full intent to revive himself when the teen left and gave up. "Or another." Tommy's voice was cold and calculating as his power ran over the Dreams still chest. The revive book, a normal looking book at first with a bright light admitting off of it, rushed out of the chest and went to its new, alive, owner. Tommy reached out to it, the book was grabbed and slowly faded into his veins. Power surged in him for a moment, his veins in his hands being a bright white. Slowly, it faded to normal leaving Tommy to look down at the dead body of his former enemy.

A click alerted him to the lava being retracted, Tommy turned his head before whistling. Suddenly, he was teleported out, his enderperal was in a containment chamber that Ranboo had closed the lid on.

"Did you do it?" The boy asked nervously as he fiddled with a grass block nervously.

"He's dead," Tommy stated turning to see Tubbo and Michael laying near a tree. Micheal was cuddling to his papa's chest. "And I have the book," Tommy looked back to Ranboo as he flicked his hand wit the bright book appearing.

Ranboo smiled, "We'll head to Techno and Phil's home. Can you handle Will?"

Tommy nodded, "I'm a big man bitch, of course I can!" He yelled, calming down after a moment, "but really ill be fine. Wilbur knows the plan just as Techno and Phil do now. You did tell them right?" Tommy asked to be reassured that Techno would kill him for his supposedly betraying them despite it being in the plan they, Techno and Philza, didn't quite know at the time.

"Yeah, I told them a few weeks back. I remember that conversation since Techno turned full Piglin. Don't ask why," Ranboo pleaded as he didn't want to remember the full conversation.

"Right..." Tommy trailed off, "just get there safely brother."

"I will Toms," Ranboo simply walked to his platonic husband and child, picking them up with his long ass enderman arms and teleporting out of sight and mind for right then. Tommy looked at the book which was still in his hands. He opened it, jumbled symbols or words were unreadable to most. Yet the language was clear on what it was written in, enchantment table. A rare language to be able to speak and read in, yet Tommy did know it from his time in exile. He had too much time on his hands which lead to him picking up a few skills that proved to be useful now he was free and farther into the final stages of the plan he had set from the very moment he got the special gifts in Pogtopia.

He allowed the book to disappear as he reached to pull out his communicator. He paused when footsteps were coming towards him.

"Tommy?" Ghostbur's familiar, innocent, voice came through the wind. Tommy smiled, the blood definitely worried the ghost. "Why are you covered in blood...? Are you hurt!" The ghost asked startled by the realization. He flew forward as Tommy summoned the book.

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