(7) forced villainy

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AU: superhero/villain

Information: Tommy is a villain, forced to be one, and the sleepy bois are heroes who managed to capture Tommy after a long fight. Yet since Tommy's suit was hand made out of tech, it needed a certain code to unlock the suit so they had no idea he was fourteen (He is aged down), the rest of the people on the DreamSMP were also working for the hero's in different ways. (All the minors though are just there to control their powers.) All of their powers will be mentioned in the one shot itself.

Family: none mentioned.

Twigged Warnings: Blood, wounds, mentions of abuse, control.


A groan passed his lips, he felt warm... it was a bit strange as he rubbed his eyes, pain engulfing his body. He felt a ache that he didn't seem to remember having. There was a soft surface under him was strange as he mainly only got the basement floor or the grass outside.

He pushed himself up into a sitting position with a groan passing his lips once more. Memories flooded back to him as he remembered the last fight with the SBI heroes... he shot opened his eyes the moment the memory became clear in his head.

He was in a dim cell with a window with bars behind the glass, the moon was high in the sky and the star lit night was a bit calming to him as he glanced farther. It seemed to be like a hospital room, a twin sized bed with heavy blankets to protect him from the cold winter night. There was barely any furniture in the room which left him a bit with a sinking feeling.

There were two doors, both probably locked as he was a villain. Talking came from somewhere in the hall way making him face that doorway. Tommy, being lost of what to do, swing his legs over the bed and backed up to the farthest wall from the said door. He got into a ready to fight position as he waited for the door to open. Tommy noticed the shadows were in the room, he was going to use it as a attack on whoever entered but he then noticed his wrists... special bracelets made to block out every and any powers of the user wearing it.

Tommy silently cursed as the voices were finally bearable. "-although as long as I can get past the tech in his suit, he should be fine. There haven't been any spike from what I could tell." A clam male voice spoke, a clear smile in his tone. Tommy, despite being in a indescribable amount of pain, kept his position.

"That's great to hear," a new... but familiar... male voice spoke, "I hope he's alright." The male sighed as the door opened slowly with a squeak to the door hinges. "I think I- huh?" The male cut himself off as he glanced to the bed to notice the covers that were covering Tommy were pushed to the foot of the bed and no Tommy in sight. He scanned the room to see the villain in a fighting position only feet away from the bed. "Glad to see you're up shadow," Philza, or the crow father as his hero name was, said while standing in front of a male who seemed to be a doctor... two fox ears were present on his head.

"What am I doing here, hero?" He attempted to hide the pain and shaking that would've been present in his voice if he hadn't learned to hid it. He would've been... his own thoughts trailed off but he soon snapped back when the door closed with the two males still in the room with him.

"Shadow, I'm going to need you to take off your suit. We need to make sure you're not harmed in a life threatening way." Phil stepped forward carefully as he seemed to notice the tense body of the villain.

"No way in hell!" He growled once again masking the pain and fear in his voice. He thanked his boss silently for making a voice changer so he sounded older, otherwise he'd be talked to like a kid and not taken seriously.

"Shadow..." Phil sighed, "Fundy can you go get your uncle and father?"

"Yeah," The doctor looking person quickly left and locked the room door as Phil stayed to attempt to calm him.

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