(4) Insticts.

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AU: Wolf hybrid Tommy

Information: wolf hybrids give gives to those who they consider a pack. None of Tommy's adopted family knows he's a hybrid, they assume he's human. He is in a mine a bit too far away from the house and stays away, making Phil and his brothers worried.

Family: Philza, Technoblade, Wilbur.

Warnings: ignoring instincts, tired, mention of attack.


Tommy rubbed his eyes, rubbing away the sleepiness he felt. He hunched over slightly as he held his pickaxe in one hand with his other rubbing his eyes. He glanced at the brightly lit torch he had placed on the wall for a moment as he regained the ability to move around. He hadn't realized how much time had passed as he had forgotten to bring a clock with him to make sure he was on time.

He continued onward, the torch being taken back into his hand as he dragged his body through the mob infested cave. He was only after one thing... gold. It was the last thing he had needed for the presents he was making for the family.

Despite being loud and annoying... and seemingly selfish... Tommy often left them small gifts and pretended he never made them. His first gift was a month after he started calling them family, about two months after Phil had found and saved him from his death at nine. He had simply made them all small bits of wearable materials... Phil had gotten a necklace with a little heart with a 'hardcore' streak going through it. The 'hardcore' streak was just a symbol to anyone who risks it all and will face anything if it meant their loved once's were safe. Wilbur had gotten a knitted red beanie hat he mainly wears. Lastly, Techno... techno had gotten a small crown with some of the leftover gold Tommy had before he was adopted into their family.

Tommy shook his head, focusing on the path ahead and not too much on the first gifts he remembers. He tripped over a small rock on the ground, thankfully, he caught himself as he leaned his weight on the arm holding him up by the wall. He breathed out and felt a buzz trickle up his arm in a shockwave. He gasped before stirring his pickaxe away into his pocket, pulling up his sleeve. His communicator wrapped comfortably around his arm as he turned it on to check there was quite a few messages.

He scanned over them to see they were panicked messages from his family. Techno was the last one who alerted him to this overwhelming amount of messages.

Techno whispered to you: that's it, I'm coming to look for you and dragging you home.

Tommy blinked, a bit confused as he glanced at the other messages, finally seeing the first by Phil about two hours ago.

Philza whispered to you: mate... is everything okay? It's passed dinner, did something happen?

Tommy could feel Phil's worry through the commutator, he sighed before messaging Techno ehere he was. He sighed as he turned away, mining some gold he had missed on the way, and made his way out of the mine.

The teen rubbed his eyes as he pulled out his sword and, lazily, fought zombies who were set up outside the cave. It only took Techno a few minutes to arrive by horse. The male quickly hopped off the horse and bee-lined to the boy.

"Why were you mining a hundred blocks away from your stupid tower. You could've just used the mine at home." Techno glared as clear worried showed through his eyes. Tommy didn't have the energy to flip out, he merely too a few stumbled steps forward and fell into his brothers safe, warm arms.

"'M s'rry..." he slurred our as exhaustion overtook him and his world quickly went to black around him. Luckily for Techno, no one saw the male freak out as his brothers body went limp.

Tommyinnit OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon