80- First Meetings

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When Annalise released the nipple, Jungkook placed the bottle by his feet and rocked her gently in his arms. Before he could try to rock her to sleep though, Taehyung's mother stopped him with a gentle pat on his shoulder. "She needs to be burped first or she'll be cranky when she wakes up again," she warned as Jungkook acknowledged her advice. Taehyung's mother tenderly lifted Annalise's frail body, placed her against Jungkook's shoulder, and positioned one of his hands under Annalise's behind to support her. Immediately, Jimin started to record a video to send to Taehyung later because if he thought it was adorable, Taehyung would just eat it up. Taehyung's mother gently plopped Jungkook's other hand against Annalise's back. "Now, you just pat her back until she alleviates any pressure in her tummy," Taehyung's mother explained as Jungkook did as she had instructed. He tenderly patted Annalise's back until he heard her burp and chuckled softly at the cute, minor noise.

Jungkook gently changed her position yet again as he started to rock her to sleep once more, this time humming a lullaby for her. In no time, Jungkook had Annalise sleeping yet again as he stood to his feet and carefully placed Annalise back in the playpen. After staring at the sleeping children for several more moments, Jungkook finally tore himself away from their side. Jimin could see the turmoil in Jungkook's gaze as he sighed heavily and walked towards the center of the living room. He'd never seen the inside of his own house before, but Taehyung had decorated it quite elegantly. Jungkook couldn't argue with Taehyung's taste in elegance and charm. "Can I take a look around?" Jungkook asked hesitantly because he didn't want to take up all of their time. He just wanted to feel like he belonged here with Taehyung, even if just for an inconsequential moment.

Jimin offered a soft smile as he nodded, gesturing towards the floating, steel-enforced spiral staircase made of pure white marble. "Take a look. I'm sure Taehyung would want you well acquainted with your own home," Jimin reassured, allowing Jungkook to explore on his own. He trusted Jungkook a lot more now because Jungkook had given him no incentive not to trust him anymore. He watched from the living room as Jungkook took the first step in his excursion to explore their home.

Jungkook slowly walked up the stairs, noticing how bare the walls appeared. He'd always seen family portraits or pictures of his parents somewhere at his parent's house. Although, Taehyung and Jungkook had never taken any professional pictures together- now that he'd thought about it. It was time they changed that so that they would have family pictures in their home too. Jungkook turned the corner to see a long and open hallway that directed him towards several closed doors within the brightly lit area. The bay windows on the right side of the hallway allowing the sunlight to illuminate the inside of the entire central house. Jungkook peered over the open banister on the left side of the hallway to see that it opened up the view of the entire living room below. He could see Jimin staring up at him with a soft smile before Jungkook continued on his way down the hallway.

Jungkook opened the door to his left once he got away from the hallway, finding that it was Gabriel's nursery room. He could discern that much by the colorful letters that spelled out his name above the pristine white crib. Jungkook liked the fact that Taehyung had decorated the nursery using neutral colors and tones rather than going all out with the blue. There were blue and purple accents along the walls and within his crib, but Jungkook was appreciative of the sophistication of the room. He took several moments to admire Taehyung's taste in decorating before closing the door behind him.

He walked a little further down the long corridor, opening the second door on his left. He could tell that this was one of the twins' rooms, although it wasn't easy to distinguish which one since Taehyung decorated with neutral tones yet again. This one did have accents of yellow and blue-green, causing his mind to ponder the idea. It wasn't until Jungkook noticed a small blue blanket within the crib that he could determine this room as Ezra's. He figured it was because Ezra didn't have a name until recently that there were no colorful letters to display his name. He couldn't be positive until he saw Annalise's room.

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