Townsperson: I-It's him! RUN!

I reached out to a star by a house.

*42 left

Flopside           *SAVE

There was quite a lot... and I'm sure that some of them know I'm here by now. Oh, well.


It had been almost five hours. And they were all dead. I had killed them ALL. I went back to the star.

*But nobody came.

Flopside            *SAVE

But nobody came. That seems to be the statement of this timeline. There was no one left here, so I went to the elevator. I selected the button for the top floor. After a few moments, the doors opened and I went inside the big black doors.


I looked around at the barren landscape. As I glanced around, I could see someone standing in front of the gates. It was Nastasia. I marched up to her, she was breathing heavily.

Nastasia: I-I'm gonna have to stop you right there, 'K?! Mimi went out after you and I can only assume that you killed her! And you killed... *Gulp* You killed O'Chunks!

You stood unfazed.

Nastasia: Y'know, I'm starting to believe that YOU'RE the insane one out of you and Dimentio. Yeah, and to think that I was trying to bring you back with all of that PERSERVERENCE I collected with Mario! Well, it's time that I use it for GOOD!

Her SOUL of PATIENCE flashed and we were in battle.

Nastasia: I'm DONE being patient, 'K?!

You selected [🔪FIGHT] immediately.

The attack hit her.


She lurched forward and coughed up some blood.

Nastasia: *Cough* I expected as much... Which is why I have THIS!

She pulled out a syringe with a purple liquid in it. Nastasia thrust it into her leg and pushed down the plunger. She twitched uncontrollably and then stood up straight, a fierce look in her eyes.

Nastasia: As long as I stand, you'll never get to Blumiere!

*Nastasia is filled with PERSERVERENCE.

What? How is she still standing?!

You selected [🔪FIGHT] again.


She took the hit this time but her HP didn't drop to zero yet. My SOUL went into the box. Her glasses flashed an orange light and then the box was filled with an orange attack! I kept moving and I left unhurt.

You chose [🔪FIGHT] again.


She was almost dead. Again. I went into the box again and her glasses flashed a blue color. A blue attack rushed me and I stayed perfectly still.

You used [🔪FIGHT] again.


She lurched forward again, this time on all fours. Surely she was dead this time! Didn't she know that I was trying to make this quick?! She threw up a little bit but wiped it away. She looked a bit... melted.

Nastasia: Hrk... Ngh... I-is that all you got..? Heh heh... I'M NOT DONE YET!

She pulled out an even BIGGER syringe filled with the same purple liquid and thrust it into her leg again. She twitched violently and then stood up again.


*The battle continues.

She continually twitched as I went and selected the [🔪FIGHT] option.


Her health bar went well below zero, but she kept on standing! And she looked a little more... melty...

Nastasia: *Cough* I can't give up...

My SOUL went into the box. Different colored lights quickly fashed from her glasses. Blue, orange, blue. I stopped, ran, then stopped again. She seemed to be dripping some kind of goop.

Nastasia: *Wheeze* You'll never *Cough* make it past me!

I went back to the options and used [🔪FIGHT].


She lurched forward onto the floor again and coughed up more blood. It looked like she was melting onto the floor.

Nastasia: I'll keep PERSERVERING...

She tried to attack but it just came as a sputter. I chose [🔪FIGHT] again.


Nastasia: I-I'll never let you... *Cough* *Cough*

She attempted an attack but it didn't even work. I selected [🔪FIGHT] again.


She now looked COMPLETELY deformed! She almost looked like a puddle now... What was she putting into herself?!

💧︎☟︎✌︎👎︎⚐︎⚐︎: PERSEVERANCE. Her body can't handle it, though. Which is why THIS is happening to her.

Oh, Grambi...

Nastasia: I can't... *Wheeze* I won't... *Cough* Let y-you.....

What was left of her fell over into a heap on the floor. Her cyan-colored SOUL rose up and then shattered. My LOVE increased once again.

LV 19

I shuddered as I stepped around her remains. I opened the gates and stepped inside. They shut behind me. And I knew that there was no going back.

Super Paper Undertoad (Mr.LXDimentio)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora