Chapter 28

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3rd person's POV

Time flew by and Mitsuki came back to the pickup Ikio. She was still oblivious to the fact that Katsuki is warming up to Ikio but Izuku wanted even better progress before boasting about it.

So as usual, Mitsuki came and picked up Ikio before Katsuki even woke up. She had no clue about what was happening and Izuku wanted it to be a surprise!

Since that day was a Friday, the couple had nothing to do after Ikio left. They decided on watching a Thriller movie. The movie started nice.

Katsuki had always loved Thriller, the suspense was just his favorite. Katsuki's thoughts steered into his past. How he used to be.

He loved thriller movies because Camie used to get scared and she would hide her face in Katsuki's chest making him chuckle and hold her lovingly.

Unconsciously tears were pricking the corners of his eyes. Izuku was quick to notice, he switched off the TV, secretly hated the movie, and turned his attention toward Katsuki.

"Hey what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Katsuki himself didn't realize the salty tears. "N-no, am f-fi-ine." Izuku looked very worried.

"Katsuki, please, it's clear that you are upset about something, what is it?"

Katsuki shook his head indicating that he didn't like the subject, Izuku quickly hugged him, softly running his back until Katsuki stopped crying.

Katsuki thought it would be better if he told Izuku, even if it's tough to. He thinks that Izuku would be the only one to help him out of the bad situations he put himself into.

"It's just that, all my life I have been a fuckboy, you know, on constant hookups and stuff, but I can't believe what happened to me.

Like. I don't even know if I am the same person before Ikio's birth. I was such an arrogant brat. I would do things my way, always sassy.

Being sarcastic and scolding people for fun was my thing. But everything just changed in the snap of a finger! I don't even remember the old me.

What is happening to me? Who am I? What was the reason I changed? Why can't I just give up and leave everything? Why do I still live?"

That broke Izuku's heart. He was surprised when Katsuki started showing up even though he said he didn't want to in the first place. But this wasn't what he expected.

"Please don't say that Katsuki. You have a family! Great parents, a beautiful kid! Of course, you shouldn't give up! Changes happen throughout your life.

It's the trauma. The moment you heard about your wife cheating on you, you would have felt insecure about yourself. You would have started doubting yourself.

It's quite natural. When you heard about your wife's death before even seeing Ikio or knowing about him, you couldn't help but blame him for your wife's death.

I was a playboy, to be honest. I fuck people for fun. But stuff changed when I met my boyfriend. He made me understand who I am.

I stopped all my bullying when I started dating him. I learned to be a good person. People around me told me I changed, but I took it as a compliment.

When my boyfriend died, I lost myself, yet again. I didn't know who I was. What was the purpose of my life if I can't even protect my boyfriend???

I knew that he would have wanted me to move on. I was under anti-depressants. It was like literal hell. I tried to kill myself. I nearly gave up.

But my parents helped me find my happiness. Kids. When I am with kids I forget about everything else. That's why I chose to babysit.

Please don't think a change is always bad. It could be good too. But some things never change, like love!"

Katsuki couldn't imagine what he had been through, especially at an early age. He was more determined. To be the best father for Ikio.

He knew he wanted Ikio to be happy. And he is sure he could do that. Izuku seemed to have caught on. He smiled cheekily when he saw Katsuki have a confident face.

Katsuki then quickly turned to Izuku to talk about his decisions. He was met with a pair of emerald eyes, staring fondly into his own.

The moment Katsuki understood the position, he wanted nothing but Izuku's lips, like always. He kept glancing down at Izuku's lips, while Izuku was doing the same to him.

Katsuki decided to make a move this time, he quickly connected their lips. Izuku was surprised at the sudden move, nevertheless, he still kissed back.

Izuku's soft lips made him forget about everything else. He forgot the world when he felt those soft lips against his. Maybe his kids were Katsuki's medicine?

The kiss started to get heated, they would break in the middle for oxygen, but then again dive back. Katsuki slowly moved to Izuku's lap, straddling him.

Katsuki was the kiss now.

Katsuki then placed his arms around Izuku's neck, tangling them in his forest green hair. Izuku quickly placed his hands on Katsuki's hips.

Izuku's hands did nothing, they were just placed there. This got Katsuki to whine. Katsuki was not a whiny person, but he was hard and needed friction.

He was hoping Izuku would massage his crotch or something.

Katsuki took matters into his . He was too old for Izuku's right hand and slowly slid them down to his dick. Izuku was confused but then understood when he felt Katsuki's bulge against his hands.

Izuku started massaging them. Slowly teasing Katsuki. He gave a rough squeeze to his sick causing Katsuki to moan. Izuku smirked hearing his voice.

When Katsuki realized the noise he just produced, he quickly moved from Izuku's lap and say back down next to him, with blushing cheeks.

They continued to watch the movie as if things happened. With a blushing face and their minds replaying what happened in the loop.

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